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Andreas Runk edited this page Apr 18, 2016 · 3 revisions

There are modifiers defined in the device configuration that modify the resulting walk values dynamically. Though you can create your own modifier by extendig the com.oneandone.snmpman.configuration.modifier.VariableModifier class, we will list the default available modifiers here.


Modifies Counter32 values.

Name Default Description
minimum 0 The minimum number that can be returned. Might not be less than zero.
maximum 4294967295 The maximum number that can be returned. Might not be less than zero.
minimumStep 0 The minimal number by which this variable should be incremented. This value might not be less than zero.
maximumStep 1 The maximal number by which this variable should be incremented. The actual value by which this Counter will be incremented will be picked randomly in the range of the minimum and maximum step. This value might not be less than zero.


Modifies Counter64 values.

Name Default Description
minimum 0 The minimum number that can be returned. Might not be less than zero.
maximum 9223372036854775807 The maximum number that can be returned. Might not be less than zero.
minimumStep 0 The minimal number by which this variable should be incremented. This value might not be less than zero.
maximumStep 1 The maximal number by which this variable should be incremented. The actual value by which this Counter will be incremented will be picked randomly in the range of the minimum and maximum step. This value might not be less than zero.


Modifies Gauge32 values.

Name Default Description
minimum 0 The minimum number that can be returned. Might not be less than zero.
maximum 4294967295 The maximum number that can be returned. Might not be less than zero.
minimumStep 0 The minimal number by which this variable should be incremented. This value might be negative.
maximumStep 1 The maximal number by which this variable should be incremented. The actual value by which this Counter will be incremented will be picked randomly in the range of the minimum and maximum step. This value might be negative.


Modifies TimeTicks values. The value will be incremented by the of the life-time of this modifier.


Modifies INTEGER values.

Name Default Description
minimum –2147483648 The minimum number that can be returned. Might not be less than zero.
maximum 2147483647 The maximum number that can be returned. Might not be less than zero.
minimumStep -1 The minimal number by which this variable should be incremented. This value might be negative.
maximumStep 1 The maximal number by which this variable should be incremented. The actual value by which this Counter will be incremented will be picked randomly in the range of the minimum and maximum step. This value might be negative.


Modifies Counter32 values. But this modifier is different from the modifier mentioned above, because it manipulates the value depending on the SNMP community context.

Name Description
Key SNMP community context (e.g. a Vlan ID)
Value New return value

See the following Example:

  - oid: "."
    class: "com.oneandone.snmpman.configuration.modifier.CommunityIndexCounter32Modifier"
      42: 150
      9: 120

Here the Vlan ID 42 is mapped to the value 150 and the 9 to 120. The Vlan IDs have to be specified in the device configuration as well, see:

  - 42
  - 9