TokenHamster is a private cryptocurrency tracking and portfolio management system. Below is a brief description of the API endpoints, focusing on their functionality. If you're interested in learning more, contact
Runs fine on a laptop, I have a VM at Hetzner, 2 CPU, 8 GB RAM. Stack is built with SQLite, so an apt-get install sqlite
will do it. You need an API from, the free tier should be enough to start with. Add the key to an .env file in the root directory. Example .env:
BACKEND_URL=YOUR URL:PORT #(typically loalhost:3000)
VUE_APP_EVENT_BASE_UR=YOUR URL:PORT #(typically loalhost:3000)
DEV=(1|0) #for pollingservice time intervall
It's the typical node.js routine:
yarn install & npm start serve
Login with your google account.
POST /api/user/auth/google/validate
Validates Google OAuth tokens and manages user login or registration. -
POST /api/user/auth/refresh-token
Refreshes an expired JWT for continued access.
GET /api/user/portfolio/fetch
Retrieves the user's current cryptocurrency portfolio. -
POST /api/user/portfolio/token/add
Adds a cryptocurrency to the user's portfolio. -
POST /api/user/portfolio/token/remove
Removes a cryptocurrency from the user's portfolio. -
POST /api/user/portfolio/import
Imports portfolio data from a CSV file. -
GET /api/user/portfolio/export
Exports portfolio data to a CSV file. -
GET /api/user/portfolio/token/history
Provides transaction history for a specific cryptocurrency in the portfolio. -
GET /api/user/portfolio/perf/data
Fetches performance data for the portfolio, aggregated over time. -
GET /api/user/portfolio/perf/daily
Provides daily performance change (win/loss) for the portfolio.
GET /api/functional/price/current
Retrieves the latest price of a cryptocurrency or the last updated time for all cryptocurrencies. -
GET /api/functional/price/convert
Converts an amount between two cryptocurrencies using the latest rates. -
GET /api/functional/historical/:crypto_symbol
Fetches historical price data for a specific cryptocurrency, with options for date range and fields. -
GET /api/functional/historical/:crypto_symbol/:time_window
Provides aggregated historical data (e.g., last 24 hours, 7 days, or 30 days). -
GET /api/functional/historical/:crypto_symbol/cs
Fetches candlestick data aggregated into intervals (e.g., 15 minutes, 1 hour, daily). -
GET /api/functional/currency/supported
Lists supported cryptocurrencies based on a search query.
POST /api/functional/polling/start
Starts polling for live cryptocurrency price updates. -
POST /api/functional/polling/stop
Stops polling for cryptocurrency price updates.
GET /api/user/profile
Retrieves user profile details (e.g., email, username, profile picture). -
PUT /api/user/profile/currency
Updates the user's preferred currency (e.g., USD or EUR). -
DELETE /api/user/profile/delete
Deactivates the user's account and associated portfolios.
GET /api/user/security/2fa-status
Checks if two-factor authentication (2FA) is enabled for the user. -
POST /api/user/security/enable-2fa
Initiates the setup process for 2FA and provides the recovery phrase. -
POST /api/user/security/verify-2fa
Verifies the OTP and activates 2FA. -
POST /api/user/security/disable-2fa
Disables 2FA for the user account. -
POST /api/user/security/cancel-2fa-setup
Cancels a 2FA setup in progress. -
POST /api/user/security/recover-2fa
Disables 2FA using the recovery phrase.
GET /api/user/profile/audit/logs
Retrieves a paginated list of user actions (e.g., portfolio updates, logins). -
GET /api/user/profile/audit/export
Exports user audit logs as a CSV file. -
POST /api/user/profile/audit
Logs a custom user action for auditing purposes.
- GET /api/user/profile/image/:id
Fetches the user's profile picture.
For inquiries or collaboration opportunities, contact us at