Welcome to the Natural Language Processing course!
Here, you will find the lab materials and homeworks. Lab materials with solutions are going to be uploaded after the class takes place.
If you have any questions about the homeworks or labs, I encourage you to use the Issues tab. This allows for the other students to see your question and also participate in answering it. When uploading the question, choose the appropriate label. For example, if you are asking a question about the homework 1, choose the label "homework1". When answering the question, provide a hint, explanation. Sharing the direct task solution is prohibited!.
Homework 1 (Due 28.02.2020)
Homework 2 (Due 13.03.2020)
Homework 3 (Due 27.03.2020)
Homework 4 (Due 10.04.2020)
Homework 5 (Due 24.04.2020)
Homework 6 (Due 15.05.2020)