To implement the Go function for user registration, create a server-side code that
- handles incoming registration requests,
- validates the user input,
- checks for duplicate emails,
- encrypts the password,
- inserts the user data into the SQLite database, and
- returns appropriate responses to the client..
A possible application file structure:
|-- main.go # Main application entry point
|-- CreateDatabase.go # Database setup script
|-- Dockerfile # Docker configuration for containerization
|-- go.mod # Go module file
|-- go.sum # Go module checksum file
|-- # Project documentation
|-- templates/ # HTML templates
| |-- layout.html # Common layout template
| |-- home.html # Home page template
| |-- create_post.html # Create post template
| |-- create_comment.html # Create comment template
| |-- post.html # Individual post template
| |-- error.html # Error page template
| |-- register-login.html # Your register-login HTML template
|-- handlers/ # HTTP request handlers
| |-- UserHandlers.go # User registration and login handlers
| |-- ForumHandlers.go # Post, comment, like/dislike handlers
| |-- FilterHandlers.go # Filtering handlers
|-- static/ # Static files (CSS, JavaScript, images, etc.)
| |-- style.css # CSS styles for your forum
| |-- js/ # JavaScript code files
| |-- script.js # JavaScript code for interactivity
|-- forum.db # SQLite database file (you can create this)
|-- docker-compose.yml # Docker Compose configuration
|-- .env # Environment variables (for sensitive data)
|-- .gitignore # Git ignore file
|-- .dockerignore # Docker ignore file