This tool had its value when it was referenced by its author on the ECB's “Public consultation on a digital euro” on 12 October 2020. The author is not planing to continue this anytime soon.
The main idea of this project is to create a monetary system that fits into one small .php file. that everybody understands.
- The systen/program is so easy that really everybody understands it. While bitcoin is stunning, even many programmers do not understand how it works and that's not good for something that could be the standard currency.
- The negatve interest rates prevents people to get grazy amounts of money on cost of others and promots money circulation.
- No registration and no accounts needed. Everything works via e-mail confirmations.
- If people stop using this money, their account gets automatically "deleted" when enough time passes and they have no debts/money of other people.
- The server where the .php site is hosted and the mailserver must be trusted. Ideally each municipality has its own mail server and is providing one mail to each human living there. It should be impossible to have several e-mails.
TODO: Negative interest rate, replace German texts, clean up.