- Made separate programs for Arcade and Tank drive
- Set drivetrain stopping to brake
Avoid driving reverse because the robot can be unstable and lift possibly could affect Auton
- Added button selector to cycle through Auton
- Intake automatically stops after releasing Triball
- Added Auton: Near side with hanging pole touch
Auton is consistent in scoring Preloads. Needs more testing on descoring matchload - try testing more specific placement and rotation of matchload
- Renamed R2_pressed() to acorn_release()
- Renamed L1_pressed() to catapult_launch()
- Renamed R1_pressed() to acorn_grab()
- Renamed X_pressed() to push()
- Renamed A_pressed() to arm_drop()
- Added automatic and manual controls for catapult launching
- Added Auton: Far side without hanging pole touch
Far side Auton still needs testing
- Added Auton: Near side without hanging pole touch
- Added Auton: Programming skills
- Best matchload Triball position is slightly offset to the right - see image
Programming skills needs more testing on barrier jumping
- Added Auton: Far side with hanging pole touch
- Corrected Auton code
Make sure that functions like ...set_turn_velocity() is set as (x, PERCENT) otherwise it will be in RPM and will behave differently from expected Programming skills barrier jumping works
- Corrected automatic catapult launching
- Near side Auton was changed to just descoring matchload as current design and orignal code resulted in a disqualification because the robot cannot enter the opponents goal
- Far side Auton was corrected
- Currently most of Auton code won't work because intake was scrapped and catapult is under redesign
Currently Tank Drive is behind Arcade Drive as the drivers Tem and Ellis prefer Arcade Drive
- Correctly configured the Drivetrain
- Changed Gear Ratio of the Intake Motor from 18:1 to 6:1
Added prototype control code for arm movement, mapped to L1, L2, and Up (toggle motor direction)
Added prototype control code to display motor direction on main screen. Note: not yet tested
Updated Tank Drive's functionality to that of Arcade Drive (note: there are some remaining inconsistencies to discuss)
- Arm joints and flywheel code now works
- Added timer to alert driver when there is 30 seconds left in driver control
Note: Do not use port 10, issue with brain
- Created template B Team directory with copied A Team Arcade Drive main.py. Note: not adjusted to design of B Team bot! No .vscode settings copied, so recommendation is to use main.py as a reference only.
- Edited Walls to be individually controlled using X and Y
- Archiving code as a template for next competition
- Translated to C++ for better code organization (Average of 70 lines per file instead of the 600 lines in the python file)