A versatile desktop application for downloading media content from various platforms, built with Python and Tkinter. Supports both video and audio downloads with customizable output formats.
Multi-Format Support (editable in config as long as ffmpeg supports it)
- Video formats: avi, mkv, m4v, mov, mp4, webm
- Audio formats: aac, flac, mp3, ogg, wav, opus
Flexible Input Options
- Direct URL input
- Batch downloading from text files
- Multiple URLs simultaneously
User-Friendly Interface
- Straight forward GUI
- Download progress indicators
- Customizable download location
Advanced Features
- Console output window for detailed logging
- Configurable templated filename
- Python 3.x
- FFmpeg
- Required Python packages:
- yt-dlp
- tkinter
Head to the Releases and run the Installer.
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/ripper.git
cd ripper
- Install dependencies:
pip install yt-dlp tk
- Download and ensure FFmpeg and FFprobe binaries are placed in the correct location:
- Windows:
- Linux:
- Windows:
pip install pyinstaller
pyinstaller --onefile ripper.py
python ripper.py
Set your preferred download path using the browse button (🗀)
Input URLs:
- Paste URLs directly into the text area
- Or import a file containing URLs using the file selection button (🗍)
Select output format:
- 🎬 for video formats
- 🎵 for audio formats
Click the download button to start.
If the download progress doesn't start verify the console output window. Close and restart to fix.
- 📂 - Open downloads folder
- 🔧 - Open local files directory
- 📰 - Toggle console output window
The application stores its configuration in:
- Windows:
- Linux:
Configurable options include:
- Download path
- Debug level
- Default container format
- Output template
- Supported formats
Log files are stored in:
- Windows:
- Linux:
The application maintains the last 10 log files.
This application uses yt-dlp and supports numerous websites. For a full list of supported sites, click the "Supported sites" link in the application or visit the yt-dlp supported sites. Disclaimer: Authentication is not yet supported but could be a future feature.