This project is the Blocks and OnBotJava for a common platform for the HRVHS FTC teams using the TileRunner HD Mecanum base. The key things we wanted to accomplish are:
- Provide a common base for Blocks, On-Bot-Java, and Java development - so you have common working driver and autonomous functionality.
- Demonstrate (in Java) using a common Robot class that all the driver-controlled and autonomous OpModes can be built on so common functionality is on one place shared by all OpModes
- (Future) Demonstrate and give FTC programmers exposure (in Java) to the command-based programming paradigm used in the FRC WPILib platform.
- update 1 (30 Oct 2019):
- Fixed telemetry for encoder values (they we previously all reporting the same encoder)
- Improved initial calibration defaults based on testing with several TileRunner bases.
- update 2 (10 Dec 2019):
- added
companion functions foremove(...)
(which run at a max power of 1.0; i.e. the fastest the robot can go) as:moveAtSpeed(...)
, androtateAtSpeed(...)
- move or rotate respectively with the power limited to the specified maximum.parameterizedMove(...)
, andParameterisedRotate(...)
- move or rotate (respectively) with all aspects of the ramped power curve controlled by the passed in parameters.
- Modified the IMU initialization to be before the wait for start, and to correctly terminate if stop is pressed on the
driver control station for both
. This fixes the problem of termination during initialization (done in the field inspection) hanging to robot and requiring a robot restart. Note that the old IMU initialization loop ran whiletrue
, it now runs whileopModeIsActive
. - Moved the IMU initialization before the
. Theexpected_heading
is initialized after thewaitForStart
, so any IMU precession will be included in theexpected_heading
. Moving the initialization before thewaitForStart
means that the robot does not need to wait for IMU initialization at the beginning of the autonomous period.
- added
- upodate 3 (7 Jan 2020)
- Added the OnBotJava translation of the blocks code, with documentation in this README file.
So, lets define the HRVHS mecanum base in terms of the assembly and configuration.
If we want to share and leverage common code,
we need a common robot base. So, this is a diagram of the mecanum base after assembly and mounting of the REV expansion hub for
the drive (a second REV expansion hub can be mounted anywhere):
NOTE the wheel orientation/configuration of the wheel rollers should form an X. If they do not, then you will not have sideways motion. This is the most common really serious construction error.
The REV Expansion Hub should be mounted in the center of the chassis with the USB hub facing forward. Take care to align the controller with the chassis so that a heading of 0 will be straight ahead (although, we do read the heading, and use this as the reference 0 heading, when the op mode starts; so there is a programmatic adjustment if the expansion hub is not perfectly aligned with the robot frame and/or there has been a time delay that causes the imu gyros to precess between initialization and start).
Your motor configuration should be:
- 'FL' - (motor front left) power and encoder wired to REV port 0
- 'FR' - (motor front right) power and encoder wired to REV port 1
- 'RR' - (motor right rear) power and encoder wired to REV port 2
- 'LR' - (motor left rear) power and encoder wired to REV port 3
And the encoder should be configured as:
- 'IMU' - IC2 0 - port 0
There are 3 Blocks program files you can upload to your Blocks programming environment:
TestMotors.blk - Tests that motors and encoders are connected and configured correctly. When you run this program there are these driver controls:
- dpad up - left front wheel should be getting power, should be turning forward, and the encoder value should be increasing.
- dpad left - left rear wheel should be getting power, should be turning forward, and the encoder value should be increasing.
- dpad right - right front wheel should be getting power, should be turning forward, and the encoder value should be increasing.
- dpad down - right rear wheel should be getting power, should be turning forward, and the encoder value should be increasing.
- If the program does not start and you get messages that
, orLR
could not be found, it means the motors have not been correctly configured in the configuration on your robot control phone. Usually this means a motor is missing in the configuration or the name was misspelled. - If the wrong wheel spins - you have the motor that is spinning plugged into the wrong port.
- If the encoder that is incrementing does not match the motor that is getting power and spinning - you don't have the encoder for the motor plugged into the same port as the motor.
Don't try the other programs until you get this one to work correctly.
DriveExample.blk - An example of driver control using the IMU to maintain heading. It implements both arcade and tank drive, arcade is the default.
For your drive modes, start with a copy of DriveExample
In the
, you can disable arcade_drive and enable tank_drive if you want to use tank drive. When using arcade drive, the right stick controls forward-sideways and the heading of the robot will be maintained (using the IMU). If the left stick is used to turn the robot then the reference heading will be reset when the turn ends.These variables are in the initialization (prior to waitForStart):
- stick_deadband - the range of stick motion assumed to have a value of 0.0. This is normally a very low value (like 0.05) and makes the stick read as 0 if you release it and it does not return exactly to 0, or you have a bit of unintentional pressure on the stick. You can set this to 0 to turn off deadband.
- stick_sensitivity - controls sensitivity when the stick is near 0, so you have better fine control of the robot. The typical values range from 1.0 to 3.0, where 1.0 is turns off sensitivity correction, 2.0 is a sensitivity that drivers generally like and 3.0 is about the maximum sensitivity anyone likes.
- kp - is a correction factor multiplied with the error between the current robot heading and the expected heading to add turn to maintain the expected heading. Set this to 0 to see what your robot would do without heading correction. Increase the value for more immediate heading correction. If your robot starts to rock side-to-side it means you have kp set too high.
- Forward-backward and turn seem to work correctly, sideways does not work at all. PAY ATTENTION HERE!!! This probably means you have not correctly mounted you wheels (a common problem). Refer back to the figure at the beginning of this section and note that when you look down on the robot the orientation of the rollers on the mechanum wheels should trace an X over the chassis of the robot - if you get this wrong, you will not get the desired sideways motion.
AutoCalibrate.blk - is a driver controlled program to test and calibrate autonomous move/turn functions.
The autonomous move/turn methods are:
- move with inches, degrees - move the specified distance (inches) in the specified direction (degrees) without changing the heading of the robot. A direct of 0° is straight ahead; 90° is to the right; -90° is to the left. The distance may be negative.
- rotate with degrees - turn the specified number of degrees, positive is clockwise.
For your autonomous modes, calibrate AutoCalibrate for your robot (see notes below), then start with a copy of AutoCalibrate and:
- change the opmode type from TeleOp to Autonomous
- remove the driver control loop from runOpMode and replace this with your autonomous program. Your autonomous programs will probably use the move with inches, degrees and rotate with degrees to position the robot; and add methods to control lifters, grabbers, sensors, etc.
Calibrating your robot:
Calibration requires asking the robot to make some well-defined movements, measuring what the robot did, and adjusting (calibrating) constants until the robot moves as requested. These driver controlled actions initiate well-defined autonomous movements (NOTE: the button press initiates the move - immediately release the button or you may be requesting the move be repeated multiple times):
- dpad up - move forward calibration_distance.
- dpad left - move left calibration_distance. If you have the left bumper pressed, turn counter-clockwise 90°
- dpad right - move right calibration_distance. If you have the left bumper pressed, turn clockwise 90°
- dpad down - move backwards calibration_distance.
The above moves/rotations will ramp up to full power by default. If the right bumper is pressed when the move/rotation is initiated it will only ramp up to half power.
The default calibration-distance is 24" - which is one competition field floor tile. Ideally, you would pick the corner of a tile that you would return your robot to at the beginning of each calibration test. Each move/turn includes a ramp up to full speed, full speed movement, and a deceleration from full speed as the robot approaches the goal. Since the TileRunner base can be built with different gear ratios and the encoder is on the motor, not the wheel; each gear ratio will have its own calibrated constants. Additionally, differences in alignment, friction, motors, wheels, etc. mean that the calibration of no two robots is likely to be the same. WHAT THIS MEANS is run the calibration and set the constants for your robot so you can use a tape measure on the field to map out what you want your robot to do.
Start by running dpad up and dpad down. Measure the distance forward the robot actually moves, when you move back, it should return to essentially the same place it started from. Since the TileRunner base can be built with different gear ratios the robot-specific calibration is just that, specific to your robot. Adjust the tics_per_inch_forward as:
new_tics_per_inch_forward = (calibration-distance * tics_per_inch_forward) / measured_distance
Now dpad left and dpad right. Measure the distance sideways the robot actually moves, when you move back, it should return to essentially the same place it started from. Since the TileRunner base can be built with different gear ratios the robot-specific calibration is just that, specific to to robot. Adjust the tics_per_inch_sideways as:
new_tics_per_inch_sideways = (calibration-distance * tics_per_inch_sideways) / measured_distance
Repeat this until you have consistent motion of the calibration distance as requested.
Ramped Motion
Ramped motion means starting at some acceleration minimum power, ramping to the maximum power, running at maximum power until you get close to the target, and then decelerating to some deceleration minimum power so you minimally overshoot the target. By default, calibration ramps to maximum speed of 1.0 then decelerates, see the diagram below:
NOTE: when you are calibrating (see notes below on Calibration Constants), you are calibrating without outside forces on your robot. In competition, there may be outside forces (i.e. you are hitting/dragging the foundation, your are hitting the outer wall to align yourself, you are carrying/drgging blocks, etc.). In these cases, the default minimum
power may not be sufficient. Use theparameterisedMove(...)
if you need to override the default calibration values for a specific action.Calibration Constants
These are the calibration constants that can be tuned to make your robot follow autonomous commands as accurately (and quickly) as possible:
- calibration_distance - the calibration distance, defaults to 24".
- tics_per_inch_forward - as discussed above. Forward tics are computed as the sum of the values of all encoders (which averages out wheel/motor-specific anomalies).
- tics_per_inch_sideways - as discussed above. Sideways tics are computed as the sum of the sign-adjusted values of all encoders (which averages out wheel/motor-specific anomalies).
- mtr_accel_min - the value of the ramp at start. Making this 1.0 removes the speed ramp up. The ramp up is to reduce slippage considerations. This should be as high as possible without creating slippage that makes encoder readings unreliable.
- mtr_decel_min - the smallest value the power will ramp down to. In FRC we discovered that if this is 0, the robot can be very close to, but not reaching the target, and the ramped value is so close to zero that the robot does not move (i.e., it never reaches the target, and there is not enough power to overcome friction and move the robot). The result is that the move command loops forever (locking the program in a move that never completes). A correct value here prevents that situation. This should be as low as possible, but high enough that continued motion towards the goal is assured.
- mtr_accel_ticks - The number of encoder tics to accelerate from the mtr_accel_min to 1.0. If 0, the motors immediately accelerate to full power. Ideally, this is as low as possible without introducing slippage that makes tics_per_inch_forward or tics_per_inch_sideways unreliable.
- mtr_decel_tics - The number of encoder tics to decelerate from 1.0 to mtr_decel_min. If 0, the motors immediately decelerate 0.0 once the target is reached. Ideally, this and mtr_decel_min are as low as possible without introducing overshoot or a situation where motion stops before the goal is reached.
- mtr_accel_degs - analogous to mtr_accel_ticks, but in degrees for turn.
- mtr_decel_degs - analogous to mtr_decel_ticks, but in degrees for turn.
- kp - tunes speed of correction for heading deviations, see discussion in DriveExample
- You make a request (move, turn) and it never completes (the drive mode seems to hang, and you can't do anything other than forcing a restart). This probably means your mtr_decel_min is too low. Specifically, your robot is almost the the target position, but, the power is so low that it will not move the robot that last inch. Solution: increase mtr_decel_min and/or decrease mtr_decel_tics.
There are a couple possible steps in moving to Java, and then command-based programming. The first step is translating the
blocks base programs to Java, and then refining that so there is a common base that you extend for all of your drive and
autonomous programs. We did that with the three blocks programs and added an OBJ
prefix (for OnBotJava) to
the name.
In your blocks programming environment switch to OnBotJava and upload all of the files in the OnBotJava folder. Then hit the build icon to build all of the files an install them on your robot control phone. You can then run these programs and the should run the same as the blocks counterpart:
- OBJMotorTest see MotorTest notes in the Blocks programming section.
- OBJDriveExample see DriveExample notes in the Blocks programming section.
- OBJAutoCalibrate see AutoCalibrate notes in the Blocks programming section.
- OBJAutoExample A simple example autonomous program that moves the robot in a diamond pattern and then spins it once clockwise and once counterclockwise. Copy this as a starting point for your autonomous program.
The big difference is that a Blocks program is a complete program in one file, while Java allows the program to be broken into smaller classes/files that can be shared between programs. Java also allows a thing called inheritance, which lets us put common functionality in a single class/file. We see this in the class structure of the OnBotJava code:
- This is an abstract class extending the FTC frameworkLinearOpMode
to add the 'constants', motor initialization and setup, autonomous move functions, drive support functions (not connected to input)
- This is an abstract class extendingAMecBase
to add the specifics for your robot. These specifics include resetting 'constants' for the specifics of your base (different gear ratios, friction, balance and other constructions differences), as well as the common game control functions likegrabFoundation()
, andsenseSkystone()
. There are a couple software design questions commonly asked:- Why don't I add my robot code to
instead of adding another base class? - BecauseAMecBase
supports the common mecanum base, and if teams request or contribute new or refined capabilities you may want to replace your copy
with a new one, and you don't want this to interfere with the code for your robot. So you want to overlay your robot code on top
, not integrate it
. - What stuff really goes in
? - when you are writing your OpModes, you will write code to do some game operation in an OpMode. Later you will be writing another op mode and your will realize you need the same game code in that OpMode. You will be tempted to copy the code from the first OpMode - don't - move that code into a function inAMyMecBase
that both OpModes call. That way, if you need to fix the game operation, you do it on one place, and it applies to all the OpModes. Don't duplicate code.
- Why don't I add my robot code to
, andOBJAutoExample
and basically connect gamepad actions to functions inAMecBase
. When you build your teleop and autonomous OpModes you will be copying these basic programs which only control the mecanum base, and adding calls to the functions you added toAMyMecBase
to perform the game-specific actions.
Command-based programming in OnBotJava is relatively complex because it requires you load a programming framework of code into your programming environment, but that you never change.