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thomash-acinq committed Jul 31, 2024
1 parent 7aacd4b commit 83a5627
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Showing 23 changed files with 664 additions and 84 deletions.
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions docs/release-notes/
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Expand Up @@ -24,6 +24,25 @@ Existing `static_remote_key` channels will continue to work. You can override th

Eclair will not allow remote peers to open new obsolete channels that do not support `option_static_remotekey`.

### Local reputation and HTLC endorsement

To protect against jamming attacks, eclair gives a reputation to its neighbors and uses to decide if a HTLC should be relayed given how congested is the outgoing channel.
The reputation is basically how much this node paid us in fees divided by how much they should have paid us for the liquidity and slots that they blocked.
The reputation is per incoming node and endorsement level.
The confidence that the HTLC will be fulfilled is transmitted to the next node using the endorsement TLV of the `update_add_htlc` message.

To configure, edit `eclair.conf`:
eclair.local-reputation {
# Reputation decays with the following half life to emphasize recent behavior.
half-life = 7 days
# HTLCs that stay pending for longer than this get penalized
good-htlc-duration = 12 seconds
# How much to penalize pending HLTCs. A pending HTLC is considered equivalent to this many fast-failing HTLCs.
pending-multiplier = 1000

### API changes

<insert changes>
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9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions eclair-core/src/main/resources/reference.conf
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -547,6 +547,15 @@ eclair {
enabled = true // enable automatic purges of expired invoices from the database
interval = 24 hours // interval between expired invoice purges

local-reputation {
# Reputation decays with the following half life to emphasize recent behavior.
half-life = 7 days
# HTLCs that stay pending for longer than this get penalized
good-htlc-duration = 12 seconds # 95% of successful payments settle in less than 12 seconds, only the slowest 5% will be penalized.
# How much to penalize pending HLTCs. A pending HTLC is considered equivalent to this many fast-failing HTLCs.
pending-multiplier = 1000

akka {
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11 changes: 9 additions & 2 deletions eclair-core/src/main/scala/fr/acinq/eclair/NodeParams.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import{RelayAll, RelayChannelsOnly, RelayPolicy
import fr.acinq.eclair.message.OnionMessages.OnionMessageConfig
import fr.acinq.eclair.payment.relay.Relayer.{AsyncPaymentsParams, RelayFees, RelayParams}
import fr.acinq.eclair.reputation.Reputation.ReputationConfig
import fr.acinq.eclair.router.Announcements.AddressException
import fr.acinq.eclair.router.Graph.{HeuristicsConstants, WeightRatios}
import fr.acinq.eclair.router.Router._
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -87,7 +88,8 @@ case class NodeParams(nodeKeyManager: NodeKeyManager,
blockchainWatchdogSources: Seq[String],
onionMessageConfig: OnionMessageConfig,
purgeInvoicesInterval: Option[FiniteDuration],
revokedHtlcInfoCleanerConfig: RevokedHtlcInfoCleaner.Config) {
revokedHtlcInfoCleanerConfig: RevokedHtlcInfoCleaner.Config,
localReputationConfig: ReputationConfig) {
val privateKey: Crypto.PrivateKey = nodeKeyManager.nodeKey.privateKey

val nodeId: PublicKey = nodeKeyManager.nodeId
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -611,7 +613,12 @@ object NodeParams extends Logging {
revokedHtlcInfoCleanerConfig = RevokedHtlcInfoCleaner.Config(
batchSize = config.getInt("db.revoked-htlc-info-cleaner.batch-size"),
interval = FiniteDuration(config.getDuration("db.revoked-htlc-info-cleaner.interval").getSeconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
localReputationConfig = ReputationConfig(
FiniteDuration(config.getDuration("local-reputation.half-life").getSeconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS),
FiniteDuration(config.getDuration("local-reputation.good-htlc-duration").getSeconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS),
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion eclair-core/src/main/scala/fr/acinq/eclair/Setup.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ import fr.acinq.eclair.payment.offer.OfferManager
import fr.acinq.eclair.payment.receive.PaymentHandler
import fr.acinq.eclair.payment.relay.{AsyncPaymentTriggerer, PostRestartHtlcCleaner, Relayer}
import fr.acinq.eclair.payment.send.{Autoprobe, PaymentInitiator}
import fr.acinq.eclair.reputation.ReputationRecorder
import fr.acinq.eclair.router._
import fr.acinq.eclair.tor.{Controller, TorProtocolHandler}
import fr.acinq.eclair.wire.protocol.NodeAddress
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -360,7 +361,8 @@ class Setup(val datadir: File,
offerManager = system.spawn(Behaviors.supervise(OfferManager(nodeParams, router, paymentTimeout = 1 minute)).onFailure(typed.SupervisorStrategy.resume), name = "offer-manager")
paymentHandler = system.actorOf(SimpleSupervisor.props(PaymentHandler.props(nodeParams, register, offerManager), "payment-handler", SupervisorStrategy.Resume))
triggerer = system.spawn(Behaviors.supervise(AsyncPaymentTriggerer()).onFailure(typed.SupervisorStrategy.resume), name = "async-payment-triggerer")
relayer = system.actorOf(SimpleSupervisor.props(Relayer.props(nodeParams, router, register, paymentHandler, triggerer, Some(postRestartCleanUpInitialized)), "relayer", SupervisorStrategy.Resume))
reputationRecorder = system.spawn(Behaviors.supervise(ReputationRecorder(nodeParams.localReputationConfig, Map.empty)).onFailure(typed.SupervisorStrategy.resume), name = "reputation-recorder")
relayer = system.actorOf(SimpleSupervisor.props(Relayer.props(nodeParams, router, register, paymentHandler, triggerer, reputationRecorder, Some(postRestartCleanUpInitialized)), "relayer", SupervisorStrategy.Resume))
_ = relayer ! PostRestartHtlcCleaner.Init(channels)
// Before initializing the switchboard (which re-connects us to the network) and the user-facing parts of the system,
// we want to make sure the handler for post-restart broken HTLCs has finished initializing.
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Expand Up @@ -118,6 +118,8 @@ case class ExpiryTooBig (override val channelId: Byte
case class HtlcValueTooSmall (override val channelId: ByteVector32, minimum: MilliSatoshi, actual: MilliSatoshi) extends ChannelException(channelId, s"htlc value too small: minimum=$minimum actual=$actual")
case class HtlcValueTooHighInFlight (override val channelId: ByteVector32, maximum: MilliSatoshi, actual: MilliSatoshi) extends ChannelException(channelId, s"in-flight htlcs hold too much value: maximum=$maximum actual=$actual")
case class TooManyAcceptedHtlcs (override val channelId: ByteVector32, maximum: Long) extends ChannelException(channelId, s"too many accepted htlcs: maximum=$maximum")
case class TooManySmallHtlcs (override val channelId: ByteVector32, number: Long, below: MilliSatoshi) extends ChannelException(channelId, s"too many small htlcs: $number HTLCs below $below")
case class ConfidenceTooLow (override val channelId: ByteVector32, confidence: Double, occupancy: Double) extends ChannelException(channelId, s"confidence too low: confidence=$confidence occupancy=$occupancy")
case class LocalDustHtlcExposureTooHigh (override val channelId: ByteVector32, maximum: Satoshi, actual: MilliSatoshi) extends ChannelException(channelId, s"dust htlcs hold too much value: maximum=$maximum actual=$actual")
case class RemoteDustHtlcExposureTooHigh (override val channelId: ByteVector32, maximum: Satoshi, actual: MilliSatoshi) extends ChannelException(channelId, s"dust htlcs hold too much value: maximum=$maximum actual=$actual")
case class InsufficientFunds (override val channelId: ByteVector32, amount: MilliSatoshi, missing: Satoshi, reserve: Satoshi, fees: Satoshi) extends ChannelException(channelId, s"insufficient funds: missing=$missing reserve=$reserve fees=$fees")
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Expand Up @@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ case class Commitment(fundingTxIndex: Long,

def canSendAdd(amount: MilliSatoshi, params: ChannelParams, changes: CommitmentChanges, feerates: FeeratesPerKw, feeConf: OnChainFeeConf): Either[ChannelException, Unit] = {
def canSendAdd(amount: MilliSatoshi, params: ChannelParams, changes: CommitmentChanges, feerates: FeeratesPerKw, feeConf: OnChainFeeConf, confidence: Double): Either[ChannelException, Unit] = {
// we allowed mismatches between our feerates and our remote's as long as commitments didn't contain any HTLC at risk
// we need to verify that we're not disagreeing on feerates anymore before offering new HTLCs
// NB: there may be a pending update_fee that hasn't been applied yet that needs to be taken into account
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -488,7 +488,8 @@ case class Commitment(fundingTxIndex: Long,
if (allowedHtlcValueInFlight < htlcValueInFlight) {
return Left(HtlcValueTooHighInFlight(params.channelId, maximum = allowedHtlcValueInFlight, actual = htlcValueInFlight))
if (Seq(params.localParams.maxAcceptedHtlcs, params.remoteParams.maxAcceptedHtlcs).min < outgoingHtlcs.size) {
val maxAcceptedHtlcs = params.localParams.maxAcceptedHtlcs.min(params.remoteParams.maxAcceptedHtlcs)
if (maxAcceptedHtlcs < outgoingHtlcs.size) {
return Left(TooManyAcceptedHtlcs(params.channelId, maximum = Seq(params.localParams.maxAcceptedHtlcs, params.remoteParams.maxAcceptedHtlcs).min))

Expand All @@ -505,6 +506,18 @@ case class Commitment(fundingTxIndex: Long,
return Left(RemoteDustHtlcExposureTooHigh(params.channelId, maxDustExposure, remoteDustExposureAfterAdd))

// Jamming protection
// Must be the last checks so that they can be ignored for shadow deployment.
for ((amountMsat, i) <- {
if ((amountMsat.toLong < 1) || (math.log(amountMsat.toLong.toDouble) * maxAcceptedHtlcs / math.log(params.localParams.maxHtlcValueInFlightMsat.toLong.toDouble / maxAcceptedHtlcs) < i)) {
return Left(TooManySmallHtlcs(params.channelId, number = i + 1, below = amountMsat))
val occupancy = (outgoingHtlcs.size.toDouble / maxAcceptedHtlcs).max(htlcValueInFlight.toLong.toDouble / allowedHtlcValueInFlight.toLong.toDouble)
if (confidence + 0.05 < occupancy) {
return Left(ConfidenceTooLow(params.channelId, confidence, occupancy))


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -552,6 +565,14 @@ case class Commitment(fundingTxIndex: Long,
return Left(TooManyAcceptedHtlcs(params.channelId, maximum = params.localParams.maxAcceptedHtlcs))

// Jamming protection
// Must be the last checks so that they can be ignored for shadow deployment.
for ((amountMsat, i) <- {
if ((amountMsat.toLong < 1) || (math.log(amountMsat.toLong.toDouble) * params.localParams.maxAcceptedHtlcs / math.log(params.localParams.maxHtlcValueInFlightMsat.toLong.toDouble / params.localParams.maxAcceptedHtlcs) < i)) {
return Left(TooManySmallHtlcs(params.channelId, number = i + 1, below = amountMsat))


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -835,7 +856,7 @@ case class Commitments(params: ChannelParams,
* @param cmd add HTLC command
* @return either Left(failure, error message) where failure is a failure message (see BOLT #4 and the Failure Message class) or Right(new commitments, updateAddHtlc)
def sendAdd(cmd: CMD_ADD_HTLC, currentHeight: BlockHeight, channelConf: ChannelConf, feerates: FeeratesPerKw, feeConf: OnChainFeeConf): Either[ChannelException, (Commitments, UpdateAddHtlc)] = {
def sendAdd(cmd: CMD_ADD_HTLC, currentHeight: BlockHeight, channelConf: ChannelConf, feerates: FeeratesPerKw, feeConf: OnChainFeeConf)(implicit log: LoggingAdapter): Either[ChannelException, (Commitments, UpdateAddHtlc)] = {
// we must ensure we're not relaying htlcs that are already expired, otherwise the downstream channel will instantly close
// NB: we add a 3 blocks safety to reduce the probability of running into this when our bitcoin node is slightly outdated
val minExpiry = CltvExpiry(currentHeight + 3)
Expand All @@ -859,12 +880,28 @@ case class Commitments(params: ChannelParams,
val changes1 = changes.addLocalProposal(add).copy(localNextHtlcId = changes.localNextHtlcId + 1)
val originChannels1 = originChannels + ( -> cmd.origin)
// we verify that this htlc is allowed in every active commitment, params, changes1, feerates, feeConf))
.collectFirst { case Left(f) => Left(f) }
val canSendAdds =, params, changes1, feerates, feeConf, cmd.confidence))
// Log only for jamming protection.
canSendAdds.collectFirst {
case Left(f: TooManySmallHtlcs) =>"TooManySmallHtlcs: {} outgoing HTLCs are below {}}", f.number, f.below)
Metrics.dropHtlc(f, Tags.Directions.Outgoing)
case Left(f: ConfidenceTooLow) =>"ConfidenceTooLow: confidence is {}% while channel is {}% full", (100 * f.confidence).toInt, (100 * f.occupancy).toInt)
Metrics.dropHtlc(f, Tags.Directions.Outgoing)
canSendAdds.flatMap { // TODO: We ignore jamming protection, delete this flatMap to activate jamming protection.
case Left(_: TooManySmallHtlcs) | Left(_: ConfidenceTooLow) => None
case x => Some(x)
.collectFirst { case Left(f) =>
Metrics.dropHtlc(f, Tags.Directions.Outgoing)
.getOrElse(Right(copy(changes = changes1, originChannels = originChannels1), add))

def receiveAdd(add: UpdateAddHtlc, feerates: FeeratesPerKw, feeConf: OnChainFeeConf): Either[ChannelException, Commitments] = {
def receiveAdd(add: UpdateAddHtlc, feerates: FeeratesPerKw, feeConf: OnChainFeeConf)(implicit log: LoggingAdapter): Either[ChannelException, Commitments] = {
if ( != changes.remoteNextHtlcId) {
return Left(UnexpectedHtlcId(channelId, expected = changes.remoteNextHtlcId, actual =
Expand All @@ -877,8 +914,21 @@ case class Commitments(params: ChannelParams,

val changes1 = changes.addRemoteProposal(add).copy(remoteNextHtlcId = changes.remoteNextHtlcId + 1)
// we verify that this htlc is allowed in every active commitment, params, changes1, feerates, feeConf))
.collectFirst { case Left(f) => Left(f) }
val canReceiveAdds =, params, changes1, feerates, feeConf))
// Log only for jamming protection.
canReceiveAdds.collectFirst {
case Left(f: TooManySmallHtlcs) =>"TooManySmallHtlcs: {} incoming HTLCs are below {}}", f.number, f.below)
Metrics.dropHtlc(f, Tags.Directions.Incoming)
canReceiveAdds.flatMap { // TODO: We ignore jamming protection, delete this flatMap to activate jamming protection.
case Left(_: TooManySmallHtlcs) | Left(_: ConfidenceTooLow) => None
case x => Some(x)
.collectFirst { case Left(f) =>
Metrics.dropHtlc(f, Tags.Directions.Incoming)
.getOrElse(Right(copy(changes = changes1)))

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Expand Up @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ object Monitoring {
val RemoteFeeratePerByte = Kamon.histogram("channels.remote-feerate-per-byte")
val Splices = Kamon.histogram("channels.splices", "Splices")
val ProcessMessage = Kamon.timer("channels.messages-processed")
val HtlcDropped = Kamon.counter("channels.htlc-dropped")

def recordHtlcsInFlight(remoteSpec: CommitmentSpec, previousRemoteSpec: CommitmentSpec): Unit = {
for (direction <- Tags.Directions.Incoming :: Tags.Directions.Outgoing :: Nil) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -75,6 +76,10 @@ object Monitoring {
Metrics.Splices.withTag(Tags.Origin, Tags.Origins.Remote).withTag(Tags.SpliceType, Tags.SpliceTypes.SpliceCpfp).record(Math.abs(fundingParams.remoteContribution.toLong))

def dropHtlc(reason: ChannelException, direction: String): Unit = {
HtlcDropped.withTag(Tags.Reason, reason.getClass.getSimpleName).withTag(Tags.Direction, direction).increment()

object Tags {
Expand All @@ -85,6 +90,7 @@ object Monitoring {
val State = "state"
val CommitmentFormat = "commitment-format"
val SpliceType = "splice-type"
val Reason = "reason"

object Events {
val Created = "created"
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