This repo is no longer maintained - my reinforcement learning course now lives at ADGEfficiency/rl-course
Materials for the reinforcement learning course at Data Science Retreat.
This course is aimed at students with a grasp of supervised learning - no prior understanding of reinforcement learning required.
The course materials are:
- slides for two days of lectures - pdf - GitPitch
- detailed notes to support lectures and for future study
This repo also has machine learning and reinforcement learning literature. Further resources (video lectures, blog posts etc) are listed in dsr-rl/
- background statistical concepts
- Markov Decision processes
- value function methods (DQN and it's extensions)
- policy gradient methods
- AlphaGo
- practical advice for experiments
- current state of the art
Introduction to concepts, ideas and terminology. Familiarity with important literature. Understanding of the state of the field today. Practical strategies to run reinforcement learning experiments.
- The Holy Book of reinforcement learning - Sutton & Barto - Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction - 2nd Edition
- UCL Lectures - David Silver (Head of Reinforcement Learning at DeepMind) - slides - lecture videos
- Li (2017) Deep Reinforcement Learning: An Overview
Further resources (video lectures, blog posts etc) are listed in dsr-rl/