Install CoppeliaSim.
Open the file .../CoppeliaSim_Edu/remoteApiConnections.txt and add the following ports:
portIndex2_port = 19998
portIndex2_debug = false
portIndex2_syncSimTrigger = true
portIndex3_port = 20010
portIndex3_debug = false
portIndex3_syncSimTrigger = true
portIndex4_port = 20011
portIndex4_debug = false
portIndex4_syncSimTrigger = true
portIndex5_port = 20012
portIndex5_debug = false
portIndex5_syncSimTrigger = true
portIndex6_port = 20013
portIndex6_debug = false
portIndex6_syncSimTrigger = true
portIndex7_port = 20020
portIndex7_debug = false
portIndex7_syncSimTrigger = true
Your 'remoteApiConnections.txt' file should look like this
// This file defines all the continuous remote API server services (started at remote API plugin initialization, i.e. CoppeliaSim start-up)
// Each remote API server service requires following 3 entries:
// portIndex@_port = xxxx // where xxxx is the desired port number (below 19997 are preferred for server services starting at CoppeliaSim start-up)
// portIndex@_debug = xxxx // where xxxx is true or false
// portIndex@_syncSimTrigger = xxxx // where xxxx is true or false. When true, then the service will be pre-enabled for synchronous operation.
// In above strings, @ can be any number starting with 1. If more than one server service is required, then numbers need to be consecutive and starting with 1
// Let's start a continuous remote API server service on port 19997:
portIndex1_port = 19997
portIndex1_debug = false
portIndex1_syncSimTrigger = true
portIndex2_port = 19998
portIndex2_debug = false
portIndex2_syncSimTrigger = true
portIndex3_port = 20010
portIndex3_debug = false
portIndex3_syncSimTrigger = true
portIndex4_port = 20011
portIndex4_debug = false
portIndex4_syncSimTrigger = true
portIndex5_port = 20012
portIndex5_debug = false
portIndex5_syncSimTrigger = true
portIndex6_port = 20013
portIndex6_debug = false
portIndex6_syncSimTrigger = true
portIndex7_port = 20020
portIndex7_debug = false
portIndex7_syncSimTrigger = true
Download the desired CoppeliaSim scene here.