A Telegram Userbot based on Pyrogram
This repository contains the source code of a Telegram Userbot and the instructions for running a copy yourself. Beside its main purpose, the bot is featuring Pyrogram Asyncio and Smart Plugins; feel free to explore the source code to learn more about these topics.
I assume you will read this whole README.md file before continuing.
Development in progress.
To add extra modules to the bot, simply add the code into userbot/plugins.I have made to functions for it first is .download
which download media you can see in general in help menu and other is .load_plugin
which load_plugin from download directory to plugin directory
.Each file
that is added to the plugins directory should have the following code at a minimum.
from pyrogram import filters
from userbot import UserBot
@UserBot.on_message(filters.command('sample', ['.']))
async def module_name(client, message):
await message.edit(
"This is a sample module"
This example is only for Pyrogram on_message events.
- AKHACKER Owner Of the Userbot.