This is a binary library for face detection in images. The 32-bits dll file is provided for Visual Studio 2010.
examples/libfacedetect-example.cpp shows how to use the library.
Method | Time | FPS | Misc |
OpenCV | 21.2ms | 47.2 | Yaw angle: -40 to 40 degrees. Classifier: haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml |
Frontal | 5.2ms | 193.3 | Yaw angle: -60 to 60 degrees |
Multiview | 17.4ms | 57.5 | Yaw angle: -90 to 90 degrees |
- 640x480 image size (VGA), scale=1.2, minimal window size = 48
- Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @ 3.4GHz
- Multi-core parallelization is enabled for the three methods.
- Shiqi Yu Computer Vision Institute, Shenzhen University, China
- Shengyin Wu, Shenzhen University, China
- Dong Xu, Shenzhen University, China