The Immersive Audio Model and Formats (IAMF) standard is defined by the Alliance for Open Media (AOM).
implements tools to help users process and work with the IAMF
format. These tools can be used as a complement to the libiamf
reference decoder and other tools
such as ffmpeg and
There are multiple workflows for creating IAMF files, supporting different types of inputs.
- Encode an ADM-BWF file to IAMF
- Encode wav files to IAMF using the iamf-tools encoder
- Merge IAMF files and video into an mp4 file
- Encode wav files to IAMF using ffmpeg
The libiamf
reference decoder is available at
The web demo hosted in the GitHub Pages of this repo decodes and renders standalone IAMF files to stereo and binaural wav files for preview and comparison.
The encoder can be used to encode a standalone IAMF Sequence (.iamf
) file from
a set of multichannel wav files or an ADM-BWF file.
See Build instructions to build from source.
The iamf-tools
encoder can be used to encode a set of multichannel wav files
into an IAMF file. An accompanying input textproto file serves as the
configuration file, specifying details such as channel layout, mix gains and
codec to use for the underlying audio elements.
Prepare up to two multichannel wav files and the input textproto file. See Textproto templates for some example input textprotos and details on how to customize them.
Run the encoder. Specify the input file with --user_metadata_filename
Optional flags:
controls the directory wav files are read from (defaultiamf/cli/testdata/
controls the output directory of the IAMF files.
Using the encoder:
bazel-bin/iamf/cli/encoder_main --user_metadata_filename=iamf/cli/testdata/test_000002.textproto --output_iamf_directory=.
If this example is successful the encoder will produce an output
file in the current directory.
Run the encoder. Specify the input file with --adm_filename
. See the
adm_to_user_metadata for details on
the conversion.
Some ADM conversions are a work in progress and are experimental (b/392958726).
Optional flags:
controls the output directory of the IAMF files.--adm_importance_threshold
controls the threshold below which ADMaudioObject
s are omitted (default 0).--adm_frame_duration_ms
controls the frame size of the output IAMF in ms (default 10).
bazel-bin/iamf/cli/encoder_main --adm_filename=path/to/adm.wav --output_iamf_directory=.
The encoder will produce an output .iamf
file in the output directory, where
the underlying audio streams are encoded with PCM.
Released under the BSD 3-Clause Clear License. See LICENSE for details.