Geolocation, Proxy, VPN or Tor exit address detection, for free.
AS207111 provides a free Whois service for content customization, advertising, digital rights management, compliance, fraud & proxy detection, security and more.
You will always have the most accurate location data available for every API request, without having to worry about maintaining a local database. For Proxy, VPN or Tor exit address detection, we use machine learning & probability theory techniques using large datasets from different sources with 11,500+ networks from 2,200+ privacy providers.
The recommended way to install AS207111 Whois is through NPM.
npm install @as207111/whois --save
First, request a free api access token from to get access to all api features, including all premium features, like privacy lookups.
Then initialize a new client with your API Access Token and call the lookup
method to lookup any IPv4 or IPv6 address.
We recommend using the client only server-side, so that your API access token is not exposed.
import {Client} from "@as207111/whois";
// instantiate a new api client with your api acces token
const client = new Client("xxx|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");
// lookup a given ipv4 or ipv6 address
const response = await client.lookup("2001:67c:770::");
// display the response
"ip": "2001:67c:770::1",
"city": "Cologne",
"postal": "50733",
"region": "NW",
"country": "DE",
"lat": 50.9655,
"lon": 6.95378,
"timezone": "Europe/Berlin",
"asn": {
"asn": 207111,
"name": "PREUSS-AS",
"isp": "Rene Preuss",
"network": "2001:67c:770::/48"
"company": {
"name": "Rene Preuss"
"privacy": {
"proxy": false,
"hosting": false,
"mobile": false
I would like to thank the following contributors who are working on the active development of whois-js.
[@ghostzero] ( [@officialpiyush] (
I would like to extend my thanks to the following sponsors for funding AS207111. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please visit my Ko-fi page.