|──public # HTML base deployment + CDN Links
├───assets # Img's and Scss partials
│ ├───images
│ └───scss
├───components # React Components
│ ├───App
│ ├───AppBar
│ ├───Details
│ ├───Footer
│ └───GoogleMap
└───utils # Utility functions
NOTE: Files in /components that end with .scss are watched and compiled during development. To create new components you simply make a named folder containing a .js and .scss of the same name.
- React
- React-Router
- Webpack
- es6 / babel
- Google Map API
- Sass / Scss
- Motion, Hammer touch libraries (For the Details component)
- Zeit.Now (Staging Deployments)
Also, Semantic-UI-React for early styling prototypes
git clone https://github.com/atwrx/br-test-app
cd br-test-app
npm i
npm start
git clone https://github.com/atwrx/br-test-app
cd br-test app
npm i
npm run watch-scss
open another terminal window in the ./br-test-app directory
cd br-test-app
npm start