Documented examples of common operations in PCOT
This is an mkdocs document, and for now it is hosted at
Run these commands to create a conda environment and install the necessary files:
conda create -n mkdocs python=3.9
conda activate mkdocs
pip install mkdocs-material
pip install mkdocs-mermaid2-plugin
Run them as individual commands, not in a script.
You can then use mkdocs build
to build the site,
which will appear in the site
directory. This can then be uploaded
to the server.
You can also run mkdocs serve
to run a local web server for testing.
needs to include "." so that it can find
extensions like
The recipes themselves are in docs/recipes
and should be indexed in
. The files are all in Markdown. Each graph should have
a graph file and at least one screenshot - these should be kept in
the graphs
and screenshots
directories under docs/recipes
. Looking
at how existing recipes are structured will help enormously!