If you discover a security vulnerability in Beocial, please follow these steps to report it:
Report the Issue: Open an issue on our GitHub repository with detailed information about the vulnerability. If you prefer, you can contact us directly at createportfolio.in@gmail.com.
Provide Details: Include as much detail as possible about the vulnerability, including steps to reproduce it and any potential impact.
Response Time: We will acknowledge receipt of your report within 48 hours and provide a response on our plan of action or additional information required.
Disclosure: We aim to address security issues as quickly as possible. Once a fix is available, we will release an update and notify you.
Safe Disclosure: Please do not publicly disclose the vulnerability until it has been resolved and a fix has been released. This helps us ensure that users remain protected.
Environment Configuration: Ensure that environment variables, especially sensitive ones like API keys, are securely managed and not exposed in the source code.
Data Protection: All user data is processed with the utmost care to ensure privacy and security. Supabase is used for data storage and adheres to best security practices.
Regular Updates: We keep our dependencies and software up-to-date to address any known vulnerabilities and maintain the security of the application.
Code Review: All code changes go through a review process to ensure they meet security standards before being merged into the main branch.
If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.