Personal Magic the Gathering card manager Deck Builder and Collection Editor
Features :
- search for cards
- Create and Manage decks
- manage your collection
- Generate a website of your collections with your own template.
- get dashboard of cards prices variation (MTGStock, MTGOldfish,...)
- lookup for cards in auction websites
- import / export decks and list cards in multiple format (mtgo,dci sheet, csv, cockatrice,MagicCardMarket wantlist..)
- get alerted for wanted cards !
- import your deck from websites (tappedout, deckstat,mtggoldfish,mtgTop8,...)
- manacurve, color and type repartition analysis
- Standalone servers (game room, console server, http server, price checking).
- New magiccardMarket Pricer : Stay tunned !!, when you're alerted by a good bid for your wanted cards, it's automatically added to your cart's account !
- Manage your stock card, mass modification, import/export from deck, website. Update your Mkm Seller Account stock, Automaticaly update prices !
- Get alerted with many notifier (Telegram, mail, Discord,....)
- Discord Bot
- Plugin for Chrome : select cardname in website to check in your collections.
- Use MTGCompanion throught webpage or mobile.
Modularity :
- choose :
- prices provider
- cards provider
- dashboard provider
- online shops
- database providers
- pictures providers
- cache providers
- News providers
- Wallpapers providers
- Indexation provider
Get realtime prices on seller websites :
Manage your dashboard with your interested "dashlet"
Use "MoreLikeThis" Functionnality :
import or export your card list / deck :
Be alerted for your wanted cards :
Store your financial movement and check your benefits :
Try your deck in game simulator :
Create deck in sealed format :
get your companion in discord's channels :
get your companion in chrome :
Generate Website of your collections :