Hydrid CAD/MDT is a Computer Aided Dispatch / Mobile Data Terminal for use in GTA V Role-playing Communities.
- Operating System
- Linux
- Windows
- PHP Version
- Minimum: 5.4.0
- Recommended: 7.0 (Or Greater)
- Database
- PDO Must be enabled. (Some hosts require you to request this)
If you are in-need of support, have a question, need to report an issue, etc, You can join our Discord: https://discord.gg/NeRrWZC and open a ticket. We will not provide support for modified files unless you have been given permission.
- N/A
Hydrid is released under GNU Affero General Public License. You can view the license terms and conditions at https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html Additionally, You are not allowed to remove the "Powered By Hydrid" branding, any links to Hydrid, or any credits.
- Download the latest version from GitHub.
- Upload the hydrid.sql file to your database. (We recommend using a seperate user besides Root for security reasons)
- Move the contents from the Upload folder, into your website directory.
- Navigate to includes/connect.php, and open it with a text-editor.
- Change the database information to yours.
- Go to www.your-site.com/cad-directory/register.php
- Create an account
- In your database under
, Find the newly created account and set theusergroup
to Management - Done! You now have full access over your CAD/MDT system.
If you are a developer and want to Contribute to Hydrid, Contact Falcon#4552 on Discord. (Contributing can be anything from a small bug fix, to something major such as Steam Login as an Option.)