This project is a replication of the popular mobile game "Color Switch" using C++
and the SFML
library and is built as a 2nd Semester project for the CS1004 Object Oriented Programming Course. The game uses and implements OOP concepts to build a user-friendly and challenging gaming environment.
1- Ball Jump Physics
2- Level-Based Gameplay
3- Color match detection
4- Ball-Obstacle Collision Detection
5- Scoring System
1- Download the repository as a zip
folder and extract all files.
2- Open the terminal inside the extracted directory
3- Replace the text inside ""
with the paths specified and run the commands:
a- For compilation: g++ -c main-combined.cpp -I"Replace with path of 'include' folder";g++ main-combined.o -o main-combined -L"Replace with path of 'lib' folder" -lsfml-graphics -lsfml-window -lsfml-system
4- To run the program open the main-combined.exe
application created.
1- @AbdulRahman9075 (Group Leader): Built the user interface, game structure and block-based obstacles.
2- @Sadiq-Amin: Built polygon-based obstacles.
3- @jagdesh666: Implemented ball motion physics.
- Collision Detection Algorithm does not function properly.