Description: Food dishes sharing community.
Stack: Nextjs, NextJs API, CSS, MongoDB, Mongoose, Cloudinary, Chakra UI, NodeJs
Repository Link:
Live Project Link:
What Knowledge I Have Acquired: This ongoing full-stack exam project has significantly expanded my technical expertise. I’ve gained deep knowledge in authentication, database management, and schema design using MongoDB and Mongoose. I've also improved my understanding of state management, including global state handling. Utilizing Next.js as a full-stack framework has strengthened my skills in building comprehensive applications.
Description: Food app that provides data and different dashboard with orders data for users, partners, and an admin.
Stack: PHP, JavaScript, CSS
Repository Link:
Live Project Link: (Project runs locally, database file is included in the project folder)
What Knowledge I Have Acquired: This project significantly improved my skills in PHP and API development, with a focus on user authentication, session management, and secure logging and signing mechanisms. I learned how to implement robust authentication systems, handle user sessions efficiently, and ensure secure data transmission.
Description: Festival selling tickets app.
Stack: Next.js, SCSS, Supabase
Repository Link:
Live Project Link:
Role: My role was mainly focusing on the form, saving orders data, and handling the connection between the database and the frontend.
What Knowledge I Have Acquired: Through this project, I deepened my understanding of data transfer between the backend and frontend, particularly in handling forms. I also significantly improved my skills in using Git for version control, including branching, merging, and resolving conflicts. Working in a team environment has better my ability to collaborate effectively, communicate clearly with teammates, and coordinate tasks to meet project deadlines. Additionally, I gained valuable experience in using Next.js (Pages), SCSS, and Supabase, which further strengthened my full-stack development overall understanding.
Description: Redesigning and rebuilding a client website and adding new features.
Stack: Next.js, Supabase, SCSS
Repository Link:
Live Project Link:
What Knowledge I Have Acquired: This was an exam project in collaboration with the client, During this project, I learned to use the Next.js App Router and understood how it's different from the Pages Router when it comes to the folder structure and the way of fetching data. I also used Supabase for the database and handled large CSV files. This project improved my full-stack development skills, styling with SCSS, and project management, including effective communication with the client and addressing their needs.
Description: An old portfolio for some projects I done during studying multimedia design.
Stack: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Repository Link:
Live Project Link:
What Knowledge I Have Acquired: This was my first portfolio website during my multimedia design education. Through this project, I gained extensive experience in JavaScript, improving my ability to create dynamic and interactive web pages. I also improved my skills in HTML and CSS, developing a deeper understanding of responsive design principles and best practices. This project taught me the importance of clean code, effective debugging, and the overall process of building and deploying a website from scratch using vanilla javascript.
Description: Crime Data Interactive Map
Stack: Nextjs, CSS, Python, Docker, PythonAnyWhere, ArangoDB
Repository Link:
Live Project Link: Under development
What Knowledge I Have Acquired: Through this project I learned a lot about Python, including how to connect to a server using PythonAnywhere and fetch data to the database. I also gained experience in creating complex AQL (ArangoDB Query Language) queries to establish relationships between data. Additionally, I worked with Docker for containerization, which streamlined the development and deployment process. This project enhanced my understanding of full-stack development, integrating various technologies to build a comprehensive interactive map application.