Visit "Releases" tab for compiled one-click-run download
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A lightwieght assistance tool for purchasing Supreme Clothing and Accessories.
Author: Abe Rybeck
this Readme and the associated files may not be altered in any way without the written consent of the author stated above
Unlike most other Supreme bots, Supreme Grabber does not send your info through any 3rd party server, making your sensitive information no more likely to be stolen than if you had typed it into the Supreme Website yourself.
64-bit JRE version 8.0.0
Firefox version 56.0 or higher
To Test:
1. double-click Supreme Grabber
2. Enter *FAKE* Billing and Credit Card info
3. Enter KeyWORD to search for
4. Enter size (numbers or letters, depending on item)
5. Set time for current time + 1 minute (time layout is military HH:MM)
6. click "save and run"
To Run:
1. double-click Supreme Grabber
2. Enter Billing and Credit Card info
3. Enter KeyWORD to search for
4. Enter size (numbers or letters, depending on item)
6. Click "save and Run"
9. At the time specified, The bot will take effect
10. Once the Bot reaches the ReCapctha, it will prompt you for input.
11. Hopefully you've got your item!
download links provided in "Requirements" folder
during alpha stage of developement, access code will be "Supreme Grabber"
Supreme Grabber will execute when it reaches the time entered in YOUR timezone, so reference to Supreme's (EST)