React collapsable table, which collapses the column which can be viewed by expanding gives better mobile experience
Here is a quick example to get you started:
import React from "react";
import { Table } from "react-collapsable-table";
const tableHeader = [{ id: "Firstname" }, { id: "Lastname" }, { id: "Email" }];
const tableBody = [
{ id: 1, Firstname: "Roronoa", Lastname: "Zoro", Email: "" },
{ id: 2, Firstname: "Zoro", Lastname: "Roro", Email: "" },
{ id: 3, Firstname: "Brazve", Lastname: "Usopp", Email: "" },
{ id: 4, Firstname: "Monkey", Lastname: "D", Email: "" },
{ id: 5, Firstname: "Zoro", Lastname: "Roro", Email: "" }
export default class App extends React.Component {
render() {
return <Table tableHeaderData={tableHeader} tableBodyData={tableBody} />;
For live and interactive demo: