This is a reddit bot that runs on the r/bjj and r/Ju_Jutsu subreddits. It translates the Japanese names of judo techniques into their commons english names and provides links to videos of those techniques.
Stats can be found at:
- Python
- PostgreSQL
- SQLAlchemy
- Alembic
- Docker
- Optimise some of the variant name checking
- Setup local development database docker
python3 -m judo_techniques_bot
With local development db:
# Startup docker with database, bot and adminer
docker-compose up
# Load fixture data into the db
python judo_techniques_bot/
docker exec --env-file .env judo_techniques_bot python judo_techniques_bot/
# See test coverage
coverage run -m unittest
coverage report
# run tests
python3 -m unittest
alembic revision --autogenerate -m "message"
alembic upgrade head
Any unrun migrations will be run automatically when the bot is started.
Built when there is commit pushed to main using github actions and deployed as docker container to an EC2 instance on AWS ECS using terraform.
Currently the container is deployed to a portainer instance on a VPS.