This is a solution to the Advice generator app challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.
So here's a small overiew of what you guys might need to do if you ever wanna build this app ~ Acme
Users should be able to:
- Fetch API responses from Advice Slip API
- Generate a random advice when the button is pressed
- Use Media Queries to adjust the size of the web app
Here's a screenshot of my solution, and if you ever wanna add your own in your own repo, the easiest way to do this is to use a browser to view your project, and use your snipping tool to capture the image.
Normally I would use Lightshot or Sharex to take the screenshot with a hot-key. They both are free so you don't need to pay for them.
- Solution URL: Front-End Mentor
- Live Site URL: Github
- CSS custom properties
- Flexbox
- React - JS library
I believe in practice being a main part of learning process, and repeatingly used previous concepts allows people to be more productive and faster. With this exercise, I was able to put a better refresher on how to use React Components while building this application, in addition, how ARIA-roles can be put to better use for people with disabilities.
Since functional components are quite easier in reading ability in comparison to React Hooks, so here is what I wanted to try. I am planning to use React Hooks, however, React Components are quite handy when it comes to lifecycle development.
- Website
- Frontend Mentor - @AcmeGamers
- Twitter - @Acme_Gamers