This project purpose is for complete "Project Telematics" subject on Computer Engineering major, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya.
But we intend to develop furtermore, Because of on our viewpoint javanese-sundanese script is almost extinct. We're very open on collaborate for this project.
changelogs (aksara jawa)
- Initial commit, no testing at all system
- Detection work only on basic character and some of vocal character
- Model use my own architecture adapted from resnet50
v.alpha.2.0.0 (current version)
- Detection work on all character of javanese script, But use font "tuladha jejeg"
- Can detection multiple languange (Bahasa + Javanese)
- Accuracy for some character still bad, Somehow one character detect multiple times
- Model use Resnet50 and LTSM
changelogs (aksara sunda)
Kindly to daily check this repo for update
For instalation and setup you can read docs folder