This is an ensemble based spam detection web-application that uses probablistic data-structures based on the paper: A. Singh, S. Batra, Ensemble based spam detection in social IoT using probabilistic data structures, Future Generation Computer Systems (2017),
- Test whether a tweet is spam or ham using the ensemble based spam detection classifier.
- Type/Paste a single tweet or upload a file to test multiple tweets.
- Sign-up to create an account and add custom files as database for the classifier model.
- Login and add/update files from their profile.
- Classify tweet(s) using model trained from their custom files (Login Required).
- Quotient filter to quickly and efficiently search the parts of tweet from a list of spam urls, spam users and spam words stored in database.
- Locally sensitive hashing using MinHash is used to get the jaccard similarity of the input tweet from a set of ham and spam tweets in the database.
- A Machine Learning model trained on a large dataset of spam and ham tweets. The model uses a pipeline where the tweet goes through CountVectorizer, TfidfTransformer and then using Multinomial Naive Bayes from sklearn library, the model gives the prediction.
Install Git Version Control [ ]
Install Python Latest Version [ ]
Install Pip (Package Manager) [ ]
1. Create a Folder where you want to save the project
2. Create a Virtual Environment and Activate
Install Virtual Environment First
$ pip install virtualenv
Create Virtual Environment
For Windows
$ python -m venv env
For Mac/Linux
$ python3 -m venv env
Activate Virtual Environment
For Windows
$ .\env\scripts\activate
For Mac/Linux
$ source env/bin/activate
3. Clone this project
$ git clone
Then, Enter the project
$ cd Spam-Ham-Detection\SMSSpamHam
4. Install Requirements from 'requirements.txt'
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
5. Set Allowed Hosts
- Go to
- Add '*' to allowed hosts.
No need to change in Mac
6. Now Run Server
Command for Windows:
$ python runserver
Command for Mac/Linux:
$ python3 runserver
Username: admin
Password: password
Username: user
Password: user_password
Aditya Manchanda
under the guidance of
Dr. Amritpal Singh, Assistant Professor, CSE Department, NIT Jalandhar