Codeigniter Form Builder - Auto Generate Form validation & database
BuildIgniter is an opensource project, to create forms / form validation / databases tables for CodeIgniter quickly.
Everyone can install, share, or participate to this project.
Special thanks to Codeigniter for this amazing framework ( & to CoreUI for their opensource template (
# clone repo
$ git clone MyProjectName
# go to your new project
$ cd MyProjectName
# install dependencies for the template
$ npm install
If you don't have any server, install WAMP / MAMP ( and drag sources in the /www folder
# launch your project in your browser
/!\ You will get errors at this step, you need to configure your database /!\
Open the file /application/config/database.php
and insert your database informations
'hostname' => 'your_host_name',
'username' => 'your_user_name',
'password' => 'your_password',
'database' => 'your_project_database_name',
1 - Make sure you have this folder in 775 : /buildigniter_creator/
2 - Open /application/config.php and set the variables "clean_folders" & "clean_folders_time"
3 - Create a CRON on your server to delete OLD folders created (IMPORTANT), each loading create a new folder in "/buildigniter_creator/", to be sure your server keep clean, create your cron each 2 or 3 hours :
php /your_project_path/index.php buildigniter cleanFolders
Use the left menu to add elements
Click on "Build Form", and check the different codes generated : Controller / Model / View / SQL
Make sure your folders have permissions to write
- application/controller
- application/model
- application/view
Click on "Create Files", your new files are automatically created in your Codeigniter project
Click on "Create Tables", your new tables are automatically created in your database to work with your files previously created