is a wrapper around methods for the download of satellite data offered in the sentinelhub-py Python package. This tool makes the monitoring and study of any place on Earth simple, ready to use and easily deployable for operational purposes and automated Near-Real Time (NRT) applications.
As earthspy
is built on top of the Sentinel Hub services, it includes e.g. the data pre-processing through custom scripts allowing the user to process and download only the products needed (such as high-level indices) therefore optimizing download time and local storage.
It is recommended to install earthspy
via Github, with conda and pip:
# clone repository
git clone
# move into earthspy directory
cd earthspy
# create conda environment
conda env create -f environment.yml
# activate conda environment
conda activate earthspy
# install earthspy
pip install -e .
- Using
together withconda
is usually a bad idea, but hereconda
installs all the dependencies andpip
only sets up the associated paths, that's all! π - Installation can be sped up using the fast cross-platform package manager mamba (reimplementation of the conda package manager in C++), simply use
instead ofconda
in the instructions above!
At present earthspy
can be run within a couple of lines of Python code that execute three main tasks:
- set up a Sentinel Hub connection (for a given Sentinel Hub account)
- set query parameters including Sentinel Hub API variables and
additional ones (mainly for download efficiency) - send request
Below is presented a simple application of earthspy
for the download of Sentinel-2 data download around Ilulissat, Greenland for a few days in August 2019 using a True Color custom script available on Sentinel Hub's custom script online repository. All other available data collections can be found here.
import earthspy.earthspy as es
# auth.txt should contain username and password (first and second row)
job = es.EarthSpy("/path/to/auth.txt")
# as simple as it gets
], # format from doc: [min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y]
time_interval=["2019-08-03", "2019-08-10"],
# and off it goes!
Homemade custom evalscripts can also be passed without effort to e.g. compute high-level indices (NDVI, NDSI...). Below is presented an example with the default evaluation script used above (to keep it short):
import earthspy.earthspy as es
# Sentinel-2 default True Color script
example_evalscript = """
function setup(){
input: ["B02", "B03", "B04", "dataMask"],
output: {bands: 4}
function evaluatePixel(sample){
// Set gain for visualisation
let gain = 2.5;
// Return RGB
return [sample.B04 * gain, sample.B03 * gain, sample.B02 * gain, sample.dataMask];
# auth.txt should contain username and password (first and second row)
job = es.EarthSpy("/path/to/auth.txt")
# pass string to evaluation_script
bounding_box=[-51.13, 69.204, -51.06, 69.225],
time_interval=["2019-08-03", "2019-08-10"],
# and off it goes!
GEOJSON files containing a polygon corresponding to a given region of interest
and its associated name can also be created at and stored in ./data
In this way, the name of the region can be directly passed to the bounding_box
query parameter. See below for a simple example with the ilulissat.geojson example file.
import earthspy.earthspy as es
# auth.txt should contain username and password (first and second row)
job = es.EarthSpy("/path/to/auth.txt")
# as simple as it gets
time_interval=["2019-08-03", "2019-08-10"],
# and off it goes!
can be easily deployed for NRT monitoring. The setup is as simple as wrapping the query parameters in a short python script such as and including it in a cron job. See an example below where Sentinel-2 images of Ilulissat, Greenland acquired over the past three days are downloaded everyday at noon.
# m h dom mon dow command
00 12 * * * /bin/bash -c "/path/to/" > /path/to/log/log_earthspy_NRT.txt
The documentation of earthspy
is hosted on readthedocs.
Contributions to earthspy
are more than welcome! Guidelines are
presented in