This code was used for the project "Empirically identifying and computationally modelling the brain-behavior relationship for human scene categorization" by Karapetian et al. (2023). The code was written in Matlab 2021a, Python 3.6 and Tensorflow 2.7.
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- Preprocess the EEG data according to the standard steps, as described in the manuscript: Preprocessing_PDM_full_experiment.m.
This script relies on functions from the Fieldtrip toolbox.
The output is a Matlab structure timelock.mat
which is used in subsequent analyses.
Decoding and distance-to-hyperplane analyses were performed with the SVM from the libsvm toolbox:.
Decode individual scene identity from subject-level EEG data: SVM_object_decoding_full_experiment.m
Average the decoding results across individuals and plot the results: plot_decoding_both_tasks.m
Decode scene category from subject-level EEG date: dth_pseudotrials_SVM_full_experiment_cross_validated.m
Average the decoding results across individuals and plot the results: plot_decoding_both_tasks.m
- Perform decoding in channel space:
- subject-level:
- scene identity: SVM_object_decoding_full_experiment_searchlight.m
- scene category: dth_pseudotrials_SVM_full_experiment_cross_validated_sl.m
- average: all_subjects_decoding_sl.m
- plot: plot_topography_searchlight_decoding.m
- subject-level:
Visualize peak decoding results using MDS: mds_peak_decoding.m
Visualize peak distance-to-hyperplane results: mds_peak_dth_correlation.m
- Using the same script as for category decoding, calculate the distances: dth_pseudotrials_SVM_full_experiment_cross_validated.m
Correlate the subject-level distances with median RTs, average over subjects, and plot: dth_all_distances_median_RT.m
Plot results from both tasks together: plot_dth_both_tasks.m
- Perform distance-to-hyperplane analysis in channel space:
Fine-tune the BLNet (from Spoerer et al., original repo here) - initially trained on ecoset (Mehrer et al., 2017): rnn_dth_finetune_rnn_larger_dataset.ipynb
Load the weights from the fine-tuned model:
import urllib
_, msg = urllib.request.urlretrieve(
'', 'model_02.11_2_weights.h5')
- Extract features from hidden layers and RTs from the prediction layer: rnn_dth_collect_activations.ipynb
Create subject-level RDMs at every time point using 1-Pearson's r: pearson_object_decoding_full_experiment.m
Calculate the noise ceiling: noise_ceiling_rsa.m
- Create RDMs using 1-Pearson's r at the selected layers and time steps: RNN_test_Input_RDM_Correlations.ipynb
- Correlate (Spearman's) subject-level EEG and RCNN RDMs at every time point, selected layer and network time step: rsa_rnn_eeg_subject_by_subject_averaged_timesteps.m
Correlate (Pearson's) every subject's RTs with RCNN RTs and plot: plot_RT_rnn_vs_human.m
Calculate the noise ceiling: noise_ceiling_RT.m
- Correlate subject-level EEG distances with RCNN RTs: rnn_dth_all_distances_median_RT.m
Permutation test and FDR correction: fdr_permutation_stats.m
Bootstrapping: bootstrap_peak_latency.m