API Rest built with Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB and Mongoose. This is built in order to make a CRUD of users, products and users' orders.
- Clone the repo and run the command "npm install" so you can install all the dependecies and devDependencies.
Run "npm start".
The database structure is made with MongoDB with these 7 collections: neighborhoods, orders, payment, products, roles, status and users. Each collection is formed with these documents:
{ "_id": "5f6472c69d2a3248bc6d677b", "name": "Patricios" }, { "_id": "5f6472cf9d2a3248bc6d677c", "name": "Yofre Norte" }
[ { "idUser": [ "5f649fad29b6f2455c6be944" ], "idProduct": [ "5f6465f755235a47c8a34581" ], "status": [ "5f653dbdabab7eea2941bdc2" ], "_id": "5f8e53632dd1cf3b2455e68e", "createdAt": "2020-10-20T03:02:59.826Z", "updatedAt": "2020-10-20T03:05:15.692Z" } ]
{ "_id": { "$oid": "5f653e60abab7eea2941bdc6" }, "type": "efectivo" }, { "_id": { "$oid": "5f653e6eabab7eea2941bdc7" }, "type": "débito" }, { "_id": { "$oid": "5f653e8aabab7eea2941bdc8" }, "type": "crédito" }
{ "_id": "5f6465f755235a47c8a34581", "description": "ravioles", "unitPrice": 180, "imgURL": "https://www.hazteveg.com/img/recipes/full/201305/R16-77309.jpg", "createdAt": "2020-09-18T07:47:03.643Z", "updatedAt": "2020-09-18T08:04:59.579Z" }, { "_id": "5f6468c3975a8a00e0a861ba", "description": "lasagna", "unitPrice": 200, "imgURL": "https://www.knorr.com/content/dam/unilever/global/recipe_image/176/17603/176031-default.png/_jcr_content/renditions/cq5dam.web.800.600.png", "createdAt": "2020-09-18T07:58:59.059Z", "updatedAt": "2020-09-18T07:58:59.059Z" }, { "_id": "5f6492db265900474c0e536c", "description": "hamburguesa", "unitPrice": 300, "imgURL": "https://okdiario.com/img/2019/05/27/dia-mundial-de-la-hamburguesa-655x368.jpg", "createdAt": "2020-09-18T10:58:35.638Z", "updatedAt": "2020-09-18T10:58:35.638Z" }
{ "_id": { "$oid": "5f64813d4129944018dc8370" }, "name": "user" }, { "_id": { "$oid": "5f64813d4129944018dc8371" }, "name": "admin" }
{ "_id": "5f653d7fabab7eea2941bdc1", "name": "nuevo" }, { "_id": "5f653dbdabab7eea2941bdc2", "name": "confirmado" }, { "_id": "5f653ddcabab7eea2941bdc3", "name": "preparando" }, { "_id": "5f653de8abab7eea2941bdc4", "name": "enviando" }, { "_id": "5f653df5abab7eea2941bdc5", "name": "entregado" }
**(you can use them to test the API). The first one is admin role and, the second one, is user role.
{ “_id”: 5f649fad29b6f2455c6be944, "fullname": "Agustina Martinez", "username": "amartinez", "email": "agustina@gmail.com", "password": "12345", "neighborhood": "5f6472c69d2a3248bc6d677b", "role": ["admin"] } { "_id": "5f64aad54cf04945b4a0ad1f", "fullname": "Emilia Ocampo", "username": "eocampo", "email": "emilia@gmail.com", "password": "12345", "neighborhood": "5f6472cf9d2a3248bc6d677c", "role": ["user"] }
POST / admin or user
GET / admin only GET /:id admin only PUT /:id admin only DELETE /:id admin only
GET / admin & user GET /:id admin & user POST / admin only PUT /:id admin only DELETE /:id admin only
GET / admin only GET /:id admin only POST / admin & user PUT /:id admin only DELETE /:id admin only
GET / admin only
GET / admin & user GET /:id admin only POST / admin only PUT /:id admin only DELETE /:id admin only
It must be made with the same format of the current users (without "_id"). If you don't specify the role, "user" is by default.
{ "fullname": "name lastname", "username": "my_username", "email": "my_email@example.com", "password": "my_password", "neighborhood": "choose_a_neighborhood_id", "role": ["admin"] or ["admin"] }
{ "username": "amartinez", "email": "agustina@gmail.com", "password": "12345" }
{ "username": "eocampo", "email": "emilia@gmail.com", "password": "12345" }
If all username, email and password are right, you will receive the token as response. You must copy it and use it for each request in Header like this:
access-token: my_token
{ "message": "Username not found." }
{ "message": "Email not found." }
{ "token": null, "message": "Invalid password." }
If you want to create an product, it must be in this format:
{ "description": "product_name", "unitPrice": product_price, "imgURL": "image_url" }
{ "message": "No token provided." }
If you want to edit a product, you can write just the filter you want to update. For example:
{ "unitPrice": new_product_price }
{ "message": "Unauthorized." }
If you want to delete a product, you can write just the filter you want to update. For example:
{ "description": "product_name", "unitPrice": product_price, "imgURL": "image_url" }
{ "message": "Unauthorized." }
{ "message": "The product was deleted successfully." }
If you want to create an order, it must be in this format:
{ "idUser": "id_del_usuario", "idProduct": "id_del_producto", "status": "id_del_status" }
If you want to edit a order, you can write just the filter you want to update. For example:
{ "status": "new_status" }
{ "message": "Unauthorized." }
{ "message": "User must be admin." }