Shourav Ahmed
Mohammed Uddin
Alex Haas
Ahmed Moussa
Install MongoDB server on your local machine. Here is a useful link https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/installation/
In terminal
git clone https://github.com/AhmedAshrafIbraheem/Slam_Stonks.git
pip install -r Slam_Stonks/requirements.txt
Run MongoDB Server
In terminal
python3 Slam_Stonks/Data_Collecting/controller.py
Now, wait for at least ten minutes as for the controller to finsih up data collecting procedure. An indications to know when to move on to the next step is see this sentence printed out in the terminal 'Options Write is Done'.
In a new window terminal
python3 Slam_Stonks/main.py
Now, open your browser and access your local host at
. -
Voila !! Here are the top 10 short interest stocks. Enjoy Trading