'Garraio Publikoa' means 'Public Transport' in Basque language.
This is a project (iOS App) that shows the available public transport around you using the information given by the government and/or public companies. It's mainly for the public transport of the Basque Country.
I've used 2 icons from Icons8.com to create the 'temporal' icon.
This are the sources from where I've got all the information.
- Open Data Spain : https://datos.gob.es/es
- Open Data Euskadi : https://opendata.euskadi.eus/inicio/
- Lurraldebus : http://www.lurraldebus.eus/
- Euskotren : https://www.euskotren.eus/
- Open Data Gipuzkoa : http://www.gipuzkoairekia.eus/
The official website with information about the public transport in Gipuzkoa.
- Donostia - DBus Website
- Irun - http://www.irun.org/cod/noticias/ficha.aspx?tipo=banner&idioma=1&clave=5245
- Errenteria - Ekialdebus Website
- Errenteria - Iparbus Website
- Eibar - Udalbus Website
- Zarautz - Zarauzko Hiribusa Website
- Arrasate - https://www.arrasate.eus/eu/informazio-praktikoa/garraioak-i
- Hernani - Hernaniko Hiribusa Website
- Tolosa
- Lasarte-Oria - https://www.tsst.info/es/urbano-lasarte-oria/horarios/urbano-lasarte-oria
- Oiartzun - Xorrola Website
- Oiartzun - TaxiBusa Website
- Usurbil - Taxi Bus Website
- Open Data Bizkaia : https://www.opendatabizkaia.eus/es/
- Open Data Bilbo : https://www.bilbao.eus/opendata/es/inicio
The official website with information about the public transport in Bizkaia.
- Bilbao
- Barakaldo : KBus Website
- Getxo : Open Data Getxo
- Getxo - https://www.getxo.eus/es/servicios/transporte-movilidad
- Getxo - https://www.facebook.com/agrupaciondeboteros.portugalete
- Getxo - http://getxobizi.com/index.php/es/
- Portugalete
- Santurtzi
- Basauri
- Leioa - https://lejoanbusa.eus/
- Galdakao
- Durango
- Sestao
- Erandio
- Open Data Araba : https://irekia.araba.eus
- Open Data Gasteiz : https://www.vitoria-gasteiz.org/j34-01w/catalogo/
The official website with information about the public transport in Araba.
- Open Data Nafarroa : https://gobiernoabierto.navarra.es/es/open-data/datos
The official website with information about the public transport in Nafarroa.
- https://www.turismo.navarra.es/esp/organice-viaje/como-llegar/autobuses.htm
- Transporte público Interurbano regular de viajeros en autobús : Web
- Iruña : http://www.movilidadpamplona.es/
- Iruña : https://opendata.pamplona.es/
Euskotren Bizkaibus Bilbobus LurTicket IrunBus
- GTFS Realtime :
- Protocol Buffers (PB) : https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/
- Shapefile (SHP)
- TopoJSON
- UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) coordinate system
- UTM to Lat Long Converter : https://awsm-tools.com/geo/utm-to-geographic
- https://www.latlong.net/lat-long-utm.html
- https://mapshaper.org/