If you are a javascript beginner, this beginner-friendly JavaScript application will teach you the basics of creating HTML structure, working with CSS, and finally adding dynamic behaviour using JavaScript.
You can learn the following concepts of web development from this application:
- Basic DIV styling with border-radius and centering
- Laying out Buttons
- Usage of Template Literals
- Adding Click Handlers
- DOM manipulation to set values
Running this javascript project is as easy as ABC. Just open the 'index.html' file in your browser.
Alright, so you have learned how to create a color changer project using HTML, CSS, and plain JavaScript. Let's take it to one level further. Here is a task for you to complete.
- Add another button called Random beside the existing buttons.
- When user click on the Random button, you must add a random background colour to the circle.
- You should reuse the existing random() function we have seen in the index.js file.
If you complete this task and want me to review your code, feel free to create a LinkedIn post using the link to your code by tagging me. I'll make sure to review and comment.