A weather forecast app built using React.js library and OpenWeatherAPIs has been used to fetch weather data. Live Preview: https://cheery-fudge-4c1fde.netlify.app/
- Data has been managed using Context API and useReducer Hook.
- One-call API has been used to fetch the hourly data weather of next 8 Days and current weather & city from the Weather API.
- Font awesome icons and Google fonts are used for asethetics.
- Clone the web app by running the following command on your command prompt or terminal (Assuming you have git installed)
git clone https://github.com/Akshatjainbafna/Weather-Forecast-App.git
- Change the directory.
cd weather-app
- Install all the dependencies.
npm install
- Start the React app.
npm start
You have successfully run the weather app.