Public repo for the boilerplate code used in the ICTdays ICP presentation
- install dfx
- curl -o- | bash
- nvm install --lts
- dfx start --clean --emulator
- update admin in .mo files (search TODO to find them easily)
- npm run setup
- npm run start
- add localnet in plug settings
- dfx wallet --network ic redeem-faucet-coupon codicecouponhere
- dfx wallet --network ic balance //Check if you have enough cycles
- dfx canister --network ic create DIP721 --with-cycles 2000000000000 //Required only once
- dfx canister --network ic create frontend --with-cycles 1000000000000 //Required only once
- dfx build --network ic DIP721
- dfx build --network ic frontend
- dfx canister --network ic install DIP721
- dfx canister --network ic install frontend
- dfx canister --network ic deposit-cycles 1000000000000 canister_name //In case you need to top up a canister
- dfx canister --network ic status 5aui7-6qaaa-aaaap-qba2a-cai
- IMPORTANT: if you need to upgrade a canister use dfx canister --network ic install --mode upgrade instead of mode=reinstall or you'll lose the canister state and the storage canister reference with it.
Once you have deployed your canister on mainnet you can join this DAO:
To register login with plug on that page and insert the canister id of your minter (DIP721 canister), it can be found in the canister_ids.json file in your project. it will look something like this:
"DIP721": { "ic": "362pf-fiaaa-aaaap-qbaoq-cai" },
you only need this part: 362pf-fiaaa-aaaap-qbaoq-cai