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Project Start

How to use


You need to have Docker installed on your computer.

You also need to have a .env file in the root folder of the project with the following lines:

POSTGRES_USER=The user you want to use to connect to the database like 'postgres'
POSTGRES_PASSWORD=The password you want to use to connect to the database like '123'
POSTGRES_DB=Name of the database you want to use like 'nest'
SERVER_IP=Ip of the server like 'http://localhost'
SERVER_PORT=Port of the server like '8080'
WEB_IP=Ip of the web app like 'http://localhost'
WEB_PORT=Port of the web app like '8081'
DISCORD_REDIRECT_URI=Your redirect url from the Redirects in the applications of Discord like 'services/discord/callback'
PGADMIN_DEFAULT_EMAIL=Email of the pgadmin user like ''
PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD=Password of the pgadmin user like '123'

You can start the project with the following command:

docker-compose -f docker-compose[.dev|.prod].yml up [-d] [--build]
# -f to specify the file to use, you can use to use the dev version, it will enable the hot reload. (it will use instead of Dockerfile)
# -d to run it in background
# --build to rebuild the images rather that running build each time

(you can remove -d to see the logs)

It will start each part of the projects in this order:

  • The database
  • The backend
  • The setup of the database using a backend image
  • The mobile app
  • The web app


You can stop the project with the following command:

docker-compose -f docker-compose[.dev|.prod].yml down [--volumes] [--remove-orphans] [--rmi local]
# --volumes to remove the volumes
# --remove-orphans to remove the containers that are not in the docker-compose.yml file
# --rmi local to remove all the images, you can also use 'all' to remove all the images

Update images

You can update the images of the project with the following command: (don't forget to stop the project before Stop)

docker-compose -f docker-compose[.dev|.prod].yml build

(It's quite useless as long as we use compose up command with --build flag, but it can be useful if you want to build the images without starting the project like for the deployement)

Clean images

You can clean the images of the project with the following command:

docker image prune

It will remove all the images that are not used by a container like <None> images generated by the build command.

Mobile (dev)


Build app

We can't access mobile through docker compose, so you need to run the following commands:

cd mobile
npm install
# Install apk on your device (emulator or physical device)
# YOUR_DEVICE_ID is the id of your device, you can get it with `adb devices` command and YOUR_TERMINAL is the terminal you want to use to see the logs, you can use `cmd` for windows or `bash` for linux.
npm run android -- --deviceId=YOUR_DEVICE_ID --terminal=YOUR_TERMINAL

After that, it will open a new terminal. You can close it using ctrl+c and it will download the app on your device using first terminal. Now you can basically run the app using the following command:

Environment variables

You need to have a .env file in the mobile folder of the project with the following lines:

REACT_APP_SERVER_IP=Ip of the server like 'http://localhost' or '' for android emulator
REACT_APP_SERVER_PORT=Port of the server like '8080'
REACT_APP_WEB_IP=Ip of the server like 'http://localhost' or '' for android emulator
REACT_APP_WEB_PORT=Port of the server like '8081'
REACT_APP_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID=id of google (same as the one in root)


npm start

(If app doesn't reload automaticaly, you can reload it manually on your device (r + r on android emulator))


You can access the pgadmin interface at the following url: http://localhost:8083 You must connect with the email and password you set in the .env file. After that you can add a new server with the following informations:

  • Name: It can be anything
  • Host name/address: db
  • Port: 5432
  • Username: It should be defined in the .env file as POSTGRES_USER
  • Password: It should be defined in the .env file as POSTGRES_PASSWORD



You need to have Ansible installed on your computer. You also need to have a Compute instance on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure with VM.Standard3.Flex (Intel) shape with Oracle Linux 8.9 as operating system (We currently use 2 OCPU with 10GB of memory and it works very well). You also need to have a public IP address on this instance. (You can use the free tier to have a public IP address). You also need to register your ssh public key on the instance.

You need to create a inventory file like inventory.example file with corresponding informations:


After that, you just need to run the following command:


It will clone the project on the remote server, copy local .env and install docker and docker-compose.

After that you need to connect to the remote server, move to Area folder and run the following command:

docker-compose -f up -d --build

It will start each part of the projects.

/!\ Don't forget that it will copy local .env file, so you need to have the .env file with the correct informations on your computer /!\


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