- Kotlin Design Patterns
Kotlin Design Patterns is intended to provide various use case scenarios and architectural concepts on prototyping adaptive applications.
mkdocs.yml # Configuration file.
readme.md # General information
summary.md # Table of contents
data-types.md # Data types hierarchy
design-patterns.md # Design patterns and architectural concepts
scenarios.md # Scenarios in practice
use-cases.md # Typical use cases
changelog.md # Changelog page
code_of_conduct.md # Code of conduct page
code_owners.md # Code owners page
dependency.md # Dependency page
description.md # Description page
faq.md # FAQ page
getting-started.md # Getting started page
troubleshooting.md # Troubleshooting page
upgrade.md # Upgrade page
info.md # Informational page
issue_template.md # Issue template page
bug_report.md # Bug report template
custom_report.md # Custom report template
feature_request_template.md # Feature request template
pull_request_template.md # Pull request template
info.md # Contributing page
info.md # Links page
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tilt up
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tilt down --delete-namespaces
The project uses SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
Kotlin Patterns is maintained by the following GitHub team-members:
with community support please contact with us if you have some question or proposition.
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us (emoji key).
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind are welcome!
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
Kotlin Patterns is distributed under LGPL version 3 or later, [License]. LGPLv3 is additional permissions on top of GPLv3.
and Kotlin Patterns ? Consider buying me a coffee :)
- Raft implementation in Kotlin
- Mercado Kotlin
- Looking for a collaborator to build a mental health app in Kotlin
- 250 dollar reward for whoever tells me how to make silent full screen notifications in android
- How to change display size programmatically?
- Tidy first?
- Ktor routing functions differently in two (ostensibly) identical configurations.
- Is it always like this?
- 🚀 Kotools Samples 0.3.0 is available!
- Where to start
- Using a Kotlin-based gRPC API with Envoy proxy for server-side load balancing
- Writing better Spring applications using SpringFu
- How Kotlin’s coroutines improve code readability
- Inter-Reactive Kotlin Applications
- Server-side Kotlin with Eclipse Vert.x at JavaOne
- Importation of JS functions in Kotlin
- Kotlin Sum of positive number
- Kotlin Sum of positive number
- Dynamic data change in js() in .kt
- Looking for a cron library for KTor
- Errors while building APK: Algorithm HmacPBESHA256 not available
- Importation of JS functions in Kotlin
- Dynamic data change in js() in .kt
- Codegen Error with arrayOfNulls and Stream.toArray
- Stop gamepad key events back to OS
- Effective Kotlin updates & news from Kt. Academy
- Jetpack Compose: First Impressions and Learning Resources
- Merry Christmas Kotliners!
- Kotlin for Interviews series
- Are you feeling overwhelmed? Refactor your assumptions
- New tools on our website
- Kotlin for Interviews — Part 5: Frequently used code snippets
- Kotlin for Interviews — Part 4: Iteration
- Kotlin for Interviews — Part 3: Numbers and Math
- Kotlin for Interviews — Part 2: Collection Functions
- Kotlin Mega Tutorial
- Kotlin when: A switch with Superpowers
- Developing web applications with Javalin and Kotlin
- Kotlin and WebAssembly
- All the Talks at KotlinConf, Organized and Commented
- Introduction to Coroutines: What Problems Do They Solve?
- Building Languages using Kotlin – KotlinConf
- Java as your Kotlin Study Buddy
- Review Of the Book Kotlin For Android Developers
- Kotlin Courses: Reviews And Comparison
- Hiring Review. Good and Bad decisions
- Jetpack Compose Screenshot Testing with Shot
- Why you should be using OpenAPI right now?
- iOS UI development, ludicrously fast.
- Our Android 2020 development stack
- Lambda World 2019
- Shared Library in Kotlin Multiplatform
- Interface Builder Is Dead Long Live SwiftUI
- How to achieve an App with great design? The steps before a design system
- First steps into Kotlin Multiplatform
- Contributing to the Kotlin Compiler
- Teaching Kotlin at Stanford, with Rahul Pandey
- MVIKotlin and Decompose with Arkadii Ivanov from Bumble
- Kotlin Multiplatform with John O’Reilly
- Catching Up With Roman Elizarov
- JAI Conversational Framework
- Compose for Desktop
- Kotlin in Space
- GraphQL with Apollo and Kotlin
- Teaching Kids Kotlin