Foro Hub is a REST API built with Spring Boot for managing forum topics and replies. It includes JWT-based user authentication, allowing users to create, update, delete, and view topics, as well as post replies. Access is secured through JWT tokens, ensuring that only authorized users can interact with the API.
- Technologies Used
- Features
- Requirements
- Environment Variables Setup
- Database Setup
- Documentation
- Author
- Badge
- Flyway: Database versioning.
- Java 17: Programming language.
- Lombok: Reduces repetitive code.
- MySQL: Database for storing data.
- Spring Boot: Framework for building the REST API.
- Spring Boot Security: Security management and JWT authentication.
- Spring Validation: Input and data validation.
- Springdoc: API documentation generation with Swagger.
- Create topics.
- Update topics.
- Delete topics.
- Get topics by ID.
- List all topics.
- Java 17 or higher.
- MySQL as the database system.
- Maven as the dependency manager.
For the application to work correctly, you need to configure the following environment variables in your operating system. These variables are used to establish the connection to the MySQL database and define certain important parameters for the application's operation.
: The address or hostname of the MySQL database (e.g., localhost or an IP address).DB_NAME
: The name of the MySQL database to be used (e.g., foro_hub).DB_USERNAME
: The username with permissions to access the database.DB_PASSWORD
: The password associated with the database user.JWT_SECRET
: The secret used for signing the JWT.
You should add the following environment variables to your system, replacing the values as per your configuration:
Ensure that these variables are properly configured before running the application.
Before running the application, create the MySQL database named forohub
and set up the necessary tables. You should also create a user for the application with the following credentials:
- Username:
- Email:
- Password:
Run the following SQL command to create the database:
After creating the database, they need to run the project. Flyway, which is integrated into the project, will automatically create the necessary tables when the project is run for the first time.
Run the following SQL command to insert the user into the database:
INSERT INTO users (name, email, password) VALUES ('user.test', '', '$2a$10$zMManDqqFhlq09o1iNhrM.jXgiSYHMXF7IRCez6oExMk2dTvnPa4i');
The password being inserted into the database is already hashed using the bcrypt algorithm. The value $2a$10$zMManDqqFhlq09o1iNhrM.jXgiSYHMXF7IRCez6oExMk2dTvnPa4i
is the hash of the password "123456".
Run the following SQL command to insert three courses into the courses table:
INSERT INTO courses (name, description, category)
('Java Programming 101', 'Learn the basics of Java programming including syntax, data types, and control structures.', 'PROGRAMMING'),
('Introduction to Graphic Design', 'An introductory course to graphic design, covering design principles and software usage.', 'DESIGN'),
('Marketing Strategies for Beginners', 'Explore the fundamentals of marketing, from market research to social media strategies.', 'MARKETING');
You can view the Swagger documentation for the API by navigating to the following URL after running the application:
Developed by Alfonso Manuel Vidrio Lizaola.