The Wild Oasis is a small boutique hotel with 8 luxurious wooden cabins. This is the internal application used inside the hotel to check in guests as they arrive
- Authentication
- Update data
- Professionl Backend with supabase
- Dark mode
- Filter data
- Pagination
- Beautiful charts and statics
- Styled with Styled-component
- professional application planning and development
- An SPA Interactive project showcase
- Dynamic contact form
- JavaScript
- React, React Query, React Router, Styled components, React Hook Form, React icons, React hot toast, Recharts, date-fns
- Supabase
Feel free to explore this nice app Users are able to update or delete a cabin, and to create new cabins and also booking Users are able to define a few application-wide settings: breakfast price, min and max nights/booking, max guest etc
You can also run the project locally in your computer, just follow steps below
Clone the repository:
git clone
Install dependencies:
npm install
Run the development server:
npm run dev
This project is currently complete but will be updated regularly with new features.
For any inquiries, feel free to reach out to me at