elastic.io integration component for M2MGO platform
M2MGO Component component for the [elastic.io platform](http://www.elastic.io "elastic.io platform")
Before you can deploy any code into elastic.io you must be a registered elastic.io platform user. Please see the home page at http://www.elastic.io to learn how.
This is a Node.js based project and was initially developed using Node v.8.9.0 and NPM 5.5.1 (as of 13.11.2017).
Installing dependencies: Use a terminal to navigate to the project folder (where package.json is) and run command
npm install
to download dependencies. There should be no red in terminal.
You need to configure your email and password to authenticate the M2MGO component.
Test Credentials: Creating a testconfig.ts file in project folder is the suggested way of declaring M2MGO credentials for testing. It should look like the following:
export const TestConfig = { Email: "<email here>", Password: "<password here>" };
WARNING: Testing will insert dummy information to the first table available to your account. Please do not run tests of your account is on a prodution environment.
Use a terminal to navigate to the project folder (where package.json is) and run command
npm test
If login info was properly defined it should insert one line of dummy information to M2MGO.
You can insert incoming data into an entity with push action. Component will detect the available prototype entities and make them available for selection.
- Testing will feature a mocked mode once M2MGO API is better understood.
- Write more actions / triggers.
- Improve error handling.
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