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A python wrapper for Henk Spruit's doppler tomography software


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This is the repository for a python wrapper for Henk Spruit's doppler tomography software. This code can produce a trail spectra of a dataset, and perform Doppler tomography maps. It is intended to be a light-weight code for single emission line datasets. The code will be able to:

  • Load and normalise spectra
  • Plot a trail spectra at initial phase resolution and binned
  • Run Doppler tomography and plot reconstructed spectra
  • Perform initial spectra binning into user-defined phase bins
  • User-friendly functions
  • Auto-save figures.

The original code and IDL interface can be found at:

At the moment, there are many features that haven't been implemented. However, the code will be updated continuously. If you have any queries/comments/bug reports please send an e-mail to:

  • jvhs1 (at)


If you make use of this software, please acknowledge the original code and this repository with the following citations:

Requirements & Installation

The doppler tomography code is written in fortran. Please ensure that you have a fortran compiler installed. At the moment, only gfortran is supported.

Python >3.0 version is required (No tests have been done for backwards compatibility with python 2.X).

You can download and install PyDoppler via pip. In a terminal command line, just type:

pip install pydoppler

If you need to upgrade the package to the latest version, you can do this with

pip install pydoppler -upgrade

Section 1: Usage

You can use the file to run all the relevant commands shown in sections 2 and 3 from a terminal command line as:


or in a python console:


This will read all the files, normalise the spectra, perform Doppler tomography and output the results. In the following sections, I will briefly explain each main routine.

Section 2: How to load data

Section 2.1: Test case - the accreting white dwarf - U Gem

You can start to test PyDoppler with a test dataset kindly provided by J. Echevarria and published in Echevarria et al. 2007, AJ, 134, 262 ( To copy the data to your working directory, open a (i)python console and run the following commands:

import pydoppler


This will create a subdirectory (called ugem99) in your current working directory which will contain text files for each spectra (txtugem40*). The format of each spectrum file is two columns: Wavelength and Flux.

  • Wavelength is assumed to be in Angstrom.
  • Don't use headers in the files or us a # at the start of the line, so it will be ignored.

In addition, a phase file (ugem0all.fas) will be added inside the ugem99 directory which contains the name of each spectrum file and its corresponding orbital phase. This is a two column file with the following format:

  txtugem4004 0.7150
  txtugem4005 0.7794

Section 2.2: Load your data

I recommend to stick to the previous file format (as in the test dataset):

  • Individual spectra. Two-column files, space separated: Wavelength Flux
  • Phase file. Two-column file, space separated: Spectrum_name Orbital_Phase

and the following directory tree in order for PyDoppler to work properly:

├── data_dir (your target)
│   │
│   ├── individual_spectra (N spectra)
│   │
│   └── phases_file
└── fortran_code_files

Section 3: Doppler tomography tutorial

Before running any routines, verify that you have added all the relevant parameters into the PyDoppler object.

  • NOTE: The pydoppler.spruit() will also copy into the working directory a copy of a sample script ( with all the commands in the following tutorial. The code will add a new script (e.g. if you use the "install_force=True" keyword, it will not overwrite the one found in the directory.
import pydoppler

# Load base object for tomography
dop = pydoppler.spruit()

# Basic data for the tomography to work
dop.object = 'U Gem'
dop.base_dir = 'ugem99' # Base directory for input spectra
dop.list = 'ugem0all.fas'		# Name of the input file
dop.lam0 = 6562.8 # Wavelength zero in units of the original spectra
dop.delta_phase = 0.003  # Exposure time in terms of orbital phase
dop.delw = 35	# size of Doppler map in wavelength centred at lam0
dop.overs = 0.3 # between 0-1, Undersampling of the spectra. 1= Full resolution
dop.gama = 36.0  # Systemic velocity in km /s
dop.nbins = 28  # Number of bins. Only supported the number of spectra at the moment

Section 3.1: Read the data

This routine reads in the raw data and prepares the files for further processing.

# Read in the individual spectra and orbital phase information
001 txhugem4004  0.715 2048
002 txhugem4005  0.7794 2048
003 txhugem4006  0.8348 2048
004 txhugem4007  0.8942 2048
005 txhugem4008  0.9518 2048
006 txhugem4009  0.0072 2048
007 txhugem4010  0.0632 2048
008 txhugem4011  0.1186 2048
009 txhugem4012  0.1745 2048
010 txhugem4013  0.2344 2048
011 txhugem4014  0.2904 2048
012 txhugem4015  0.3724 2048
013 txhugem4016  0.4283 2048
014 txhugem4017  0.4866 2048
015 txhugem4018  0.5425 2048
016 txhugem4019  0.5979 2048
017 txhugem4020  0.6544 2048
018 txhugem4021  0.7098 2048
019 txhugem4022  0.7652 2048
020 txhugem4023  0.8195 2048
021 txhugem4024  0.8772 2048
022 txhugem4025  0.9269 2048
023 txhugem4026  0.9614 2048
024 txhugem4027  0.9959 2048
025 txhugem4028  0.0304 2048
026 txhugem4029  0.0648 2048
027 txhugem4030  0.1027 2048
028 txhugem4031  0.1372 2048

Section 2.2: Normalise the data and set doppler files

You will need to define a continnum band - one at each side of the emission line - to fit and later subtract the continuum. This normalised spectra will be put in in a file to be read by the fortran code.

# Normalise the spectra

Section 2.3: Run the fortran code

Now, let's run the tomography software!

# Perform tomography

The output of the fortran code is:

nvp 477
(28, 477)
nv 143 143
Estimated Memory required  354  Mbytes
      parameter (nd=npm*nvpm,nr=0.8*nvm*nvm)

      parameter (nt=nvpm*npm+nvm*nvpm*3+2*npm*nvm)

      parameter (nri=0.9*nvm*nt/nd,ndi=0.9*nvm*nt/nr)

c parameters for emap routines

      parameter (nf=nd,nfp=ndi,nrp=nri)

      parameter (ni=nvm,nj=nvm)

      parameter (nch=1,nsu=1)

* Computing MEM tomogram
cp -f cclock.f clock.f ; gfortran -O -w -o dopp dop.f clock.f
make: dopp: No such file or directory
make: *** [dop.out] Error 1
 RL max entropy, floating defaults
 ih        0  (log likelihood)                      
 iw        0  (no error bars read in)               
 pb0,pb1 0.950 1.050
 ns        7
 ac      8.00E-04
 nim     150
 al0, alf, nal    0.0020 1.7000  -1
 clim   1.6000
 ipri    2
 norm    1
 wid, af   0.10E+07 1.0000
 cpu for geometry      0.19
 it      H+alfa*S        delta
   1  3.064384039127E+04   8.97E-01
   2  3.124296879919E+04   8.88E-01
   3  3.174029201244E+04   8.10E-01
   4  3.187324638623E+04   6.27E-01
   5  3.189338120949E+04   4.84E-01
   6  3.189804389182E+04   3.63E-01
   7  3.189972657354E+04   2.60E-01
   8  3.190005031439E+04   2.13E-01
   9  3.190020880677E+04   1.65E-01
  10  3.190026635720E+04   1.43E-01
  11  3.190030859976E+04   1.14E-01
  12  3.190032174052E+04   9.00E-02
  13  3.190032685539E+04   7.44E-02
  14  3.190032853609E+04   5.82E-02
  15  3.190032918090E+04   4.18E-02
  16  3.190032942768E+04   2.94E-02
  17  3.190032951013E+04   2.23E-02
  18  3.190032954797E+04   1.53E-02
  19  3.190032956032E+04   1.32E-02
  20  3.190032956654E+04   9.57E-03
  21  3.190032956866E+04   5.22E-03
  22  3.190032956935E+04   1.92E-03
  23  3.190032956960E+04   2.18E-03
  24  3.190032956968E+04   8.18E-04
  25  3.190032956971E+04   4.46E-04
 ni, al, hs, rr:   25 0.00200  0.319003296E+05 1.48261 1.60000
 cpu for iteration    0.81
 entropy -2.4072E+04

Section 2.4: Plot the tomography map

This routine will display the outcome of the Doppler tomography. You can overplot contours and streams.

# Read and plot map
cb,data = dop.Dopmap(limits=[0.05,0.99],colorbar=True,cmaps=cm.mamga_r,
# Overplot the donor contours, keplerian and ballistic streams
qm=0.35   # mass ratio M_2 / M_1
k1 = 107  # Semi amplitude of the primary in km/s
inc=70    # inclination angle, in degrees
m1=1.2    # Mass of the primary in solar masses
porb=0.1769061911  # orbital period in days,k1,porb,m1,inc)

Section 2.5: Spectra reconstruction

Always check that reconstructed spectra looks like the original one. A good rule of thumb "If a feature on the Doppler tomogram is not in the trail spectrum, most likely its not real!"

# plot trail spectra
cb2,cb3,dmr,dm = dop.Reco(colorbar=True,limits=[.05,0.95],cmaps=cm.magma_r)

where the output variables cb2 and cb3 hold the colorbar objects (if selected); dmr and dm hold the data cubes for the reconstructed trail spectra and the binned data, respectively.

Section 3: Extra commands

There are many other commands that will interact with the Doppler tomogram. As usual, you can update them inside the pydoppler.spruit object as we did in section 2. The configurable parameters are:

dop.ih = 0            # type of likelihood function (ih=1 for chi-squared)
dop.iw = 0            # iw=1 if error bars are to be read and used
dop.pb0 = 0.95        # range of phases to be ignored, between 0 and 1
dop.pb1 = 1.05        # range of phases to be ignored, between 1 and 2
dop.ns = 7            # smearing width in default map = 8e-4         # accuracy of convergence
dop.nim = 150         # max no of iterations
dop.al0 = 0.002       # starting value of alfa
dop.alf = 1.7         # factor
dop.nal = 0           # max number of alfas
dop.clim = 1.6        # 'C-aim'
dop.ipri = 2          # printout control for standard output channel (ipr=2 for full)
dop.norm = 1          # norm=1 for normalization to flat light curve
dop.wid = 10e5        # width of central absorption fudge = 0.0          # amplitude of central absorption fudge

Section 4: Troubleshoot

This is an early version of the wrapper. Things will go wrong. If you find a bug or need a feature, I will try my best to work it out. If you think you can add to this wrapper, I encourage you push new changes and contribute to it.


A python wrapper for Henk Spruit's doppler tomography software







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