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It is Universal Package for making Chatbots easy .this version 1.0, and it include only facebook messenger


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zoldyck is Universal Package for making Chatbots easy . this version 1.0, and it include only facebook messenger next version we will add another platform and we appreciate your contribution

Package content

Here is the full package content and feature but below is the simple tutorial full package documentation well be avilable soon !



 pip install zoldyck

How To Use it :

here it is a simple tutorial for how package work and full ducomentaion for all features will be published soon !

to get full advantages of of the package you should read doc of facebook APIs link .

1-Setup webhooks

first you should have facebook Page

then you should go to link and create new app

give it name and email for contact

setup messenger

click setup webhook button

give link to your server

and give also token and remember it cause you will use it later in the code

check messages and messaging_postbacks

in your server side you can use and frame work like django or falsk , but in this tutorial i will assume you are using django

so to complete webhooks setup you should check for GET requests

from zoldyck.messengerBot.messenger import messenger

def index(request):

    bot = messenger()
    if request.method == 'GET':
        token_sent = request.GET.get("hub.verify_token")
        if bot.Verify_Token(token_sent):
            return HttpResponse(request.GET.get("hub.challenge"))
        return HttpResponse("Error")

if you make all above steps right it will verviy and save easily

2-Subscribe your page and Token Generation

first select your page second save you token cause you will use it later third subsubscribe your page to webhook

The exciting part Making chatbot respond

1- get and set important data

we should first set basic parameters like access token and get data "json object" sent to your server to get info like sender id and message type (text, image, video, ...etc)

    elif request.method == 'POST':
        #set acces token
        bot.ACCESS_TOKEN = "out here your access token from the previous step"

        #get json facebokk sent to your server
        all_json = json.loads(request.body.decode('utf-8'))

        #get sender's id
        recipient_id = bot.returnReceptionId(all_json)

        #Optional you can check the type of message sent by user (text, image, video, file, quick reply, postback)
        json_type = bot.returnJsonType(all_json)

1- Send text message

assuming some one send message to your chatbot

this example below get message sent by user and check if it is text message then check again if the massege is hi :D ! it will send hi else it will sent nice to meet you :D !

        received_msg =""
        if json_type == "text":
            received_msg = bot.returnReceivedText()

        #send message
        if received_msg == "hello" :
            your_msg = "hi :D !"
            #it will return json to send it directly
            msg_json = bot.createTextMsgJson(recipient_id, your_msg, msg_type ="RESPONSE")
        else :
            your_msg = "nice to meet you :D !"
            #it will return json to send it directly
            msg_json = bot.createTextMsgJson(recipient_id, your_msg, msg_type ="RESPONSE")

        #it will send and it will return the staus of the request
        response = bot.sender(msg_json)

2- Send media message


here we will send music by media message when user send mp3

    if received_msg == "mp3" :
        #link to mp3 
        mp3_link =""
        #it will return json to send it directly
        your_msg = bot.createMediaByURLJson(mp3_link, recipient_id, "audio")
    #it will send and it will return the staus of the request
    response = bot.sender(your_msg)

you can try typing on , seen and, typing off usin this fuction bot.creatTypingStatusJson() link for more

3- Send quick replies


here we will send all kind of quick replies buttons when user send quick note :you can only send on type on more than that check this link for more

fullJson= {}
if received_msg == "quick" :
    #simple text quick reply
    temp = bot.creatTextQuickReplyJson("text reply", "payload which you want to be sent to you server when user press it" , "" )
    #add reply to list
    arrayofquicks = bot.addObject(temp)

    #location reply
    temp = bot.creatLocationQuickReplyJson( )
    #add reply to the prevoius on in the list
    arrayofquicks = bot.addObject(temp , arrayofquicks )

    #email reply allow user to send his/her email by press it
    temp = bot.creatEmailQuickReplyJson( "payload which you want to be sent to you server when user press it" , "link to png icon to your button")
    #add reply to the prevoius on in the list
    arrayofquicks = bot.addObject(temp , arrayofquicks )

    #email reply allow user to send his/her phone number by press it
    temp = bot.creatPhoneNumberQuickReplyJson("payload which you want to be sent to you server when user press it", "link to png icon to your button")
    #add reply to the prevoius on in the list
    arrayofquicks = bot.addObject(temp , arrayofquicks)
    #it will return json to send it directly
    fullJson = bot.creatFullRepliesWithTextJson(recipient_id, "pick reply", arrayofquicks)
#it will send and it will return the staus of the request
response = bot.sender(fullJson)

note : you can get location and quick reply payload from these functions returnLatAndLong, getQuickReplyPayload

4- Send temps

4.1- generic temp


here we will send generic template when user send gen_temp

first you should see full json body here

temp = {}
if received_msg == "gen_temp" :

    #build defauld part
    default = bot.createDefaultActionJson("")
    url = "url to image for the temp"

    #create button
    button = bot.createUrlButtonJson("put here link to site you want", "click")
    #add button to the array
    array_of_buttons = bot.addObject(button)

    #create element -body-
    element = bot.createElementWithButtonJson("Example", "how things are work", url, default, array_of_buttons)
    #add element yo the array
    arrayof_elemnts = bot.addObject(element)

    #it will return json to send it directly
    temp = bot.createGenericTempleteJson(recipient_id, arrayof_elemnts)
    #it will send and it will return the staus of the request
response = bot.sender(temp)

notes :

1-you can change type of button you can use postback buttons createPostbackButtonJson()

1-you can send more than temp by just create more elments and add it to array

4.2- List Template


here we will send List template when user send list_temp

first you should see full json body here

temp = {}
if received_msg == "list_temp" :

    #build defauld part
    default = bot.createDefaultActionJson("")
    url = "url to image for the temp"

    #create button
    button_for_element1 = bot.createUrlButtonJson("", "click")
    #add button to the array
    array_of_buttons1 = bot.addObject(button_for_element1)

    #create element -body-
    element1 = bot.createElementWithButtonJson("title", "subTitle", url, default, array_of_buttons1)
    #add element yo the array
    arrayof_elemnts = bot.addObject(element1)

    #create element -body-
    element2 = bot.createElementJson("title", "subTitle", url, default)
    #add element yo the array
    arrayof_elemnts = bot.addObject(element2 ,arrayof_elemnts)

    #create button
    button_in_bottom_of_temp = bot.createUrlButtonJson("link to site", "google")
    #add button to the array
    array_of_buttons2 = bot.addObject(button_in_bottom_of_temp)

    #it will return json to send it directly
    temp = bot.createListTemplateWithButtonJson(recipient_id, arrayof_elemnts , array_of_buttons2)

#it will send and it will return the staus of the request
response = bot.sender(temp)

4.3- Receipt Template


here we will send Receipt template when user send re_temp

when you click it

first you should see full json body here

temp = {}
if received_msg == "re_temp" :
    #create address of order
    address  = bot.createReceiptTemplateAddressJson("street", "city", "11111", "state", "country")

    #create summary of order
    summary  = bot.createReceiptTemplateSummaryJson(500, 200, 100, 100)

    #create Adjustment of order
    adjus    = bot.createReceiptTemplateAdjustmentJson("fees", 100)
    #add Adjustment to list
    arrayofadjustments    = bot.addObject(adjus)

    #create element -product-
    element1 = bot.createReceiptTemplateElementsJson("white shirt", 100, "nice white", 1, "USD", "")
    #add element to list
    array_elements = bot.addObject(element1)

    #create element -product-
    element2 = bot.createReceiptTemplateElementsJson("bluee shirt", 100, "nice white", 1, "USD", "")
    #add element to list
    array_elements = bot.addObject(element2, array_elements)
    #it will return json to send it directly
    temp = bot.createReceiptTemplateJson(recipient_id, "user name", "1", "USD", "cash", "", summary, "1428444852", address, arrayofadjustments, array_elements)

#it will send and it will return the staus of the request
response = bot.sender(temp)

4- Get text from voice message


here we will send voice note saying "hello world" then bot will extract the text from the voice and return it as text message

it allow you to extract text from voice note sent by user

#get type of msg sent by user
json_type = bot.returnJsonType(all_json)
msg_json = {}

#check if msg is audio type
if json_type == "audio":
    #get link of audio
    url = bot.getAttachementLink(all_json)
    #convert voice to text
    txt = bot.voiceNoteToText(recipient_id, url, "en-US")
    #it will return json to send it directly
    msg_json = bot.createTextMsgJson(recipient_id, txt, msg_type="RESPONSE")
#it will send and it will return the staus of the request
response = bot.sender(msg_json)


It is Universal Package for making Chatbots easy .this version 1.0, and it include only facebook messenger








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