tool for calculating pressure from temperature, relative humidity and GPS data
you can install this package in a new environment or use the parent-folder (the one containing as working directory. I would rather use the working directory approach so far.
from datetime import datetime
from radiosondes.radiosondes.radiosondes import RS_Trainou2019
path = r"<path-to-your-radiosonde-input-file"
P0 = <launch pressure>
z0 = <launch altitude>
mirror = False
P_Calc = True
ipol = True
geometric = False
#don't use the original altitude, but the calculated geopotential altitude
dirksenTv = True
#this calculation is faster than if set to True
start = datetime(<year>,<month>,<day>,<hour>,<min>,<sec>)
RS = RS_Trainou2019(path=path, delim=' ', P0=P0, z0=z0, mirror=mirror, P_Calc=P_Calc, ipol=ipol, geometric=False, dirksenTv=True, start=start)
Now you created a RS_Trainou2019 object with an updated dataframe