⏱️ 12 Hours
Throughout the course, you'll gain in-depth knowledge of Python, including its syntax, data structures, web scraping, and more! With hands-on exercises and real-world projects, you'll develop the skills to write clean and efficient code, and automate repetitive tasks. One of the main highlights of this course is the hands-on, guided projects which offer real world projects that you can add to your portfolio. By the end of the Python Full Course, you'll be able to confidently add Python to your resume and start using it in your job!
Hello everyone and welcome to the Python Programming for Beginners Course!
I absolutely love Python! I would go as far to say it's my favorite programming language out there (and I've used many). I've taught thousands of people how to use Python and I can't wait to teach out as well!
You can find me in a lot of different places!
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alex-freberg/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Alex_TheAnalyst
Instagram: @alex_the_analyst
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@AlexTheAnalyst/
Please join the discord here: Analyst Builder Discord We are counting on your feedback to help make this course and platform the best it can be!
Thank you for your support and we hope you love the course! 😀
Lesson 3 will cover installing Anaconda for Jupyter notebooks. You can also pre-epmtively download Anaconda here
- Instructor Introduction
- Course Introduction
- Join the Analyst Builder Discord
What Is Python?
- What is Python?
- What is Python used for?
Installing Jupyter Notebook
- Downloading and Installing Jupyter Notebooks
- Jupyter Notebook UI Walkthrough
- Variables Intro
- Variables + Expressions
- Alex's Love
- Assigning Multiple Values + Concatentation
- Variable Naming Best Practices
- Slicing Variables
- Practice Slicing Variable
- Variable Thought Experiment
- Data Types Introduction
- Numbers
- Boolean
- Strings
- Lists
- Tuples
- Sets
- Dictionaries
- Converting Data Types
- Operators Introduction
- Comparison Operators
- Keep it PG
- Arithmetic Operators
- Profit
- Logical Operators
- Membership Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Identity and Bitwise Operators
- Statements Introduction
- If Else Statements
- Tall Man Logic
- Nested If Else Statements
- For Loops
- Good Grade Bad Grade
- Nested For Loops
- While Loops
- Break, Continue, Else, Pass
- Hot Temperature!
- Nested While Loops
- List Comprehension
- Number Checker
- Functions Introduction
- First Function + Passing Arguments
- Profit Margin
- Adding Docstrings
- Default and Arbitrary Arguments
- Summer? Sum Machine? Sumction?
- Keyword and Arbitrary Keyword Arguments
- Lambda Functions
- Print vs Return in Functions
- Input, Enumerate, and Append
- Len
- Range
- Round
- Slice
- Format
- Strip
- Replace
- Join
- Creating a File
- Reading, Writing, and Closing Files
- Context Managers
- Writing and Appending in a File
- Creating a Folder
- Copying and Moving Files
- Pandas 101 - Opening Files with Pandas
- Pandas 101 - Manipulating Data in a DataFrame
- Pandas 101 - Exporting Data using Pandas
Handling Errors and Exceptions
- Try Except Introduction
- Try Except Basics
- Try Except with Files
- Web Scraping Introduction
- HTML Basics and Inspecting a Web Page
- BeautifulSoup and Requests
- Tags, Variable Strings, and Attributes
- Find and Find All
- Getting Text from a Website
- Scraping Data from a Real Website
- Regular Expression Introduction
- Re Module + Regex Methods
- Regex Character Classes
- Regex Metacharacters
- Find the Numbers
- Match Object Methods
- Regex Modifiers
- Regex Use Cases
- Area Codes