This repository aims to collect the smallest possible syntactically valid files in different programming/scripting/markup languages.
It all started with a blog post on the smallest possible HTML/XHTML files…
Pull requests welcome!
– Mathias
To the extent possible under law, the author has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.
- bzip2 .bz2
- gzip .gz with a filename
- Roshal archive .rar 1.4 4 5
- Tape archive .tar
- ZIP .zip
- MPEG-1 Audio Layer III .mp3
- Waveform Audio File Format .wav
- FLAC .ogg
- Opus .ogg
- Speex .ogg
- Vorbis .ogg
- Dolphin
- DOS Command file .com (empty), DOS Executable .exe, New Executable NE .exe, Linear Executable LX .exe
- Executable and Linkable Format .elf
- JVM class .class
- Mach-O (padded)
- Portable Executable PE .EXE (XP only)
- Small Web File/Shockwave Flash .swf
- WebAssembly .wasm
- Bitmap image file/Device Independent Bitmap .bmp
- Better Portable Graphics .bpg
- DICOM/Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine .dcm
- Graphics Interchange Format .gif (transparent)
- High Efficiency Image File
- ICO file format .ico/.cur
- JPEG File Interchange Format .jpg/.jpeg
- JPEG 2000 .jp2
- Netpbm Portable BitMap Format .pbm (binary) Portable GrayMap Format .pgm (binary) Portable PixMap Format .ppm (binary)
- Portable Network Graphics .png (truncated)
- Multiple-image Network Graphics .mng
- Tagged Image File Format .tif
- Truevision Advanced Raster Graphics Adapter/TARGA .tga
- WebP .webp
- X-bitmap .xbm
- ada .adb
- awk .awk
- batch
- brainfuck
- c .c
- c .h
- C# .cs
- C++ .cpp
- clojure
- clojure
- clojurescript
- cobol
- Coffeescript
- fortran-77 .f
- fortran-90 .f90
- go
- Java .java
- JavaScript .js
- lua
- Makefile
- Nim .nim
- objective-c .m
- Objective CAML .ml
- pascal .pas
- perl .pl
- PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor .php
- Python .py
- Ruby .rb
- shell .sh
- swift .swift
- JavaScript Object Notation .json (with padding .p)
- Markdown .md
- Scalable Vector Graphics .svg
- toml
- YAML Ain't Markup Language .yaml/.yml
- Extensible Hypertext Markup Language .xhtml (basic-1.0) (1.0-frameset) (1.0-strict) (1.1) (basic-1.1) (5)
- Extensible Markup Language XML 1.0 (valid) 1.1 (1.1-valid)
- Hypertext Markup Language (2.0) (3.2) (4.0-strict) (4.01-strict) (4.01-frameset) (4.01-transitional) (5) iso-html