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  • Sqltomongo is a CLI (command line interface) to work with MongoDB much easier.
  • Sqltomongo translates SQL (Structured Query Language) queries to MongoDB queries.
  • Sqltomongo uses the builtin MongoDB module.


Download from github repository: 

or (if you have already installed git) just do:

git clone

Go to the downloaded repository

cd sqltomongo/

and type:

sudo pip3 install .

After installation type:


in the shell and you will see something like:

Sqltomongo shell version v0.1 >

If everything is ok you can already work with sqltomongo shell.

The sqltomongo shell

It is assumed that you have installed and started MongoDB.

When you run sqltomongo without any arguments, the sqltomongo shell will attempt to connect to the MongoDB instance running on the localhost interface on port 27017. To specify a different database, host or port number, as well as other options you must type:

sqltomongo database_name host port

For example, if you want to run “test” database with the standart localhost ( and standart port (27017) you must type:

sqltomongo test

or if you want to run “test” database with host and 27017 port you must type:

sqltomongo test 27017

To specify the database – use ‘use’ method in the sqltomongo shell. For example:

use test

and it will switch to test database. If you want to display the database you are using, just type:


in the sqltomongo shell and you will see the name of the using database.

To authenticate in the database you are using just type:

auth (user, passwd)

in the sqltomongo shell and you will see 1 if ok and 0 if authentication failed.

Sqltomongo works only with SELECT statement!

The structure of the SQL should be as follows:


Projections form - *, field, field.subfield, field.*. Where "field.*" is the mongo db aggregations.

Support condition for operations “=, <>,>,>=, <, <=”. Also include the standard logical operations like AND, OR to combine Conditions.

Does not support the subqueries.


Sqltomongo MongoDB
select * from restaurants db.restaurants.find({})
select * from restaurants where restaurant_id > '40361521' db.restaurants.find({'restaurant_id': {'$gt': '40361521'}})
select restaurant_id, address.coord.* from restaurants where restaurant_id > '40356731' order by restaurant_id desc limit 5 db.restaurants.aggregate({'$match': {'restaurant_id': {'$gt': '40356731'}}}, {'$project': {'restaurant_id': 1, 'address.coord': 1}}, {'$unwind': '$address.coord'}, {'$sort': {'restaurant_id': -1}}, {'$limit': 5})

Sqltomongo is licensed under the BSD license.


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