Help in dealing with the barcode readers in your wpf application
var BarCodeReader = BarCoder.BarCodeReader.GetDefaultReader()
.WithPrefix(System.Windows.Input.Key.F12) // Configuration for the reader device for the prefix key
.WithSuffix(System.Windows.Input.Key.Enter) // Configuration for the reader device for the suffix key
// To listen on specific input element
.WithUIElement(this, false, (result) =>
string code = result.Barcode;
// To notify the control using an event
.WithEvent(viewModel.DocumentId, viewModel.DocumentId.ToString(), new BarCoder.BaseBarCodeEvent((result) =>
string code = result.Barcode;
})).NotifyOnlyActiveEvent() // if you want to notify the ui using only the event you register
.SetCurrentActiveEvent(viewModel.DocumentId); // determin the current active window/page by setting a unique identifier for it this id will be with the event result
BarCodeReader.StartListen(); // start listen
BarCodeReader.StopListen(); // stop listen