(Feb 2023 - Feb 2023)
Tech Stack: JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
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Designed an efficient JIRA Ticket Management application using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (ES6 / ECMAScript 2015), enabling users to perform CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) on tickets with unique IDs.
Implemented priority-based color coding for tickets, enhancing visibility and enabling users to quickly identify and manage important tasks. Utilized DOM Manipulation techniques for interactive user experiences.
Engineered a lock-unlock feature for ticket content, allowing seamless editing and enhancing collaboration within the team. Utilized Closures, Scoping, and Prototypes for robust implementation.
Provided intuitive event handling based on priority colors, enhancing organization and ensuring efficient task management. Leveraged Event Handling for dynamic ticket filtering.
User tickets are securely stored in the browser's local storage, ensuring data persistence between sessions.🔒
Demonstrated strong Error Handling practices to ensure a smooth and error-free user experience during ticket creation, editing, and removal. Leveraged Functional Programming principles for error management.
Contributions are welcome! If you have any ideas, suggestions, or improvements, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.